I am so excited to be sharing 2021 monthly horoscopes here at Whimsy Soul starting this month! These horoscopes are based on the upcoming astrological transits, (the movement of the planets around the sky), and some of the general themes that are going to be activated for you in the coming month. As a witch, I’ll be sharing some insight and inspiration on how you can most effectively nurture yourself and practice self-care this month based on the cosmos.
I highly recommend that you generate your birth chart at www.astro.com or www.astro-charts.com and read the horoscope for your rising sign but if you only know your sun sign, you can read for that too or instead. Please note that in order to generate a chart with an accurate rising sign, you will need your exact birth time, as even a few minutes can actually make a difference.
Horoscopes Terms To Know
Let’s define a few quick terms before we get started:
- Horoscope: A reading of how the planets in the sky are interacting with your birth chart and how that might be reflected in your life.
- Birth Chart: A map of the planets, sun, moon, and constellations at the moment you were born.
- Rising Sign/Ascendant: The constellation and zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. (Yes, these words are interchangeable and mean the same thing.)
- Sun Sign: The zodiac sign that the sun was in when you were born, (this is the one you probably know off the top of your head.)
- Mercury Retrograde: An astrological phenomenon that occurs about three times per year when the planet, Mercury, appears to move backward in the sky, causing all sorts of technological glitches, travel delays, and communication breakdowns.
June 2021 Astrology Transits
- New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini (June 10): The sun and moon will be exactly aligned for this new moon eclipse in Gemini, the sign of flexibility and duality.
- Mercury Retrograde in Gemini (May 29 – June 22): Mercury, the planet of communication, will be retrograde in its home sign of Gemini for three weeks, offering a chance to reflect and reevaluate the way we communicate.
- Venus in Cancer (June 2-27): Venus, the planet of love, will be in Cancer, the sign of rest, self-care, and nourishment.
- Jupiter in Pisces (May 13 – July 28): Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will briefly move into Pisces, the sign of transcendent compassion and intuition before it retrogrades back into Aquarius for the second half of the year. This is a preview of Jupiter’s transit through Pisces which will occur throughout most of 2022.
June 2021 Horoscopes For Self Care
Aries Sun & Rising
You’re doing some deep resting and nourishing of your soul. The more you rest and retreat this month, the more love and abundance you’re likely to receive into your life. Connect with your intuition and focus on whatever makes you feel safe and supported.
Meanwhile, communication is the name of the game. You have a tendency to rush ahead without always double-checking that others understood your point, which can result in major blowouts over otherwise small misunderstandings. If this has been a major cause of stress and frustration for you in the past, it’s likely to be highlighted again now. Take the time to really focus on clarity and verify that you’ve been understood which will relieve some of that potential tension with those around you – and the potential stress it brings with it.
Taurus Sun & Rising
You’re expanding your friendships and community, receiving all kinds of love and abundance from the relationships and connections you make this month. You tend to have a fairly small group of close confidants but you may find yourself inspired to make a new friend and to share more about yourself than you typically do. When the urge to speak arises, trust it and share what’s on your heart.
You may find some technical difficulties around finances, however, so give yourself plenty of time to make any necessary payments and pay attention to the money coming in and out of your accounts. You could find yourself in some unexpected conversations about money and finances and even reevaluating what they mean to you.
Gemini Sun & Rising
Your work and physical space are both due for an upgrade. You might feel called to start thinking about the future of your career in a totally new and radically different way, seeking work that is your soul fuel rather than just a paycheck, though this is something you might pursue more fiercely next year. You will probably also feel called to make your home or the spaces you spend the most time in feel extra cozy and comfy so trust the urge to pile on the blankets, light some candles, or take a relaxing bath!
You’ll be wanting all that cozy, supportive soul fuel and self-care this month as both Mercury Retrograde and the new moon solar eclipse are activating the core essence of who you are. This month is a powerful portal into the next phase of your life. Take this opportunity to reevaluate, reflect, and reconsider where and who you want to be.
Cancer Sun & Rising
You’re feeling creative and inspired this month, with more love and abundance coming to you the more that you embrace who you truly are. Authenticity is key and really embodying self-love, which in your case, means trusting your intuition and honoring your need for rest. You might also feel curious about learning some new things or even continuing your education, something you might pursue more fiercely next year.
If any of that creativity and abundance feels difficult to access though, don’t worry – you may still be in a space of integration and it will pass towards the end of the month. Allow yourself plenty of time and space to reflect on the limiting beliefs you’ve held or negative self-talk you’ve engaged in and do what you can to release those.
Leo Sun & Rising
You’re going within this month for deep reflection and shadow work, (the process of becoming aware of blocks and limiting beliefs in your life, then acknowledging, understanding, and choosing to integrate, transmute, or release them). The more that you embrace and love up on your shadow self and the darkest parts of you, (the parts of you where you might harbor fear or shame or that you straight up dislike), the more love and abundance are going to come into your life.
You might run into quite a few technology challenges this month, with communication breaking down across email, apps, and messages. Try to connect in-person if you’re both vaccinated, or at least face-to-face on a virtual call, if at all possible so your tone and generosity can be clearly felt and understood, rather than lost in technology translation this month.
Virgo Sun & Rising
The more you connect authentically in your relationships and with your wider community, the more love and abundance you’ll be likely to receive this month. Connections are especially meaningful for you right now, both the gifts and wisdom you bring to your relationships and the insight and balance you receive from them. Make an effort to spend some time with your partner or your best girlfriends this month and to be in community online, or in-person if you’re all vaxxed up, with your favorite people.
Work and career are a big focus for you right now. If you’re in business for yourself, you might be really refining your message and marketing, or simply refining your reputation and what you’re known for in any work environment. Be aware of potential glitches with work technology right now including websites, apps, and internal communication.
Libra Sun & Rising
You’re expanding your ability to find magical, fairytale experiences in your everyday life, to see beauty and magic where others see chores and boredom. The more that you integrate these two sides of yourself – the magical and the mundane – the more gifts and rewards are likely to pour into your life. A work-life balance is also essential right now and you need to love up your schedule with lots of focused deep work AND lots of rest and relaxation.
You’re reevaluating so much around learning and education right now. You might be torn between sharing your own message more and beginning to teach, (in a formal, academic capacity, online, or just within your community), going back to school, or going on a road trip to get some new life lessons! Any and all of these are available to you right now, just give yourself at least until the beginning of July before you make any really concrete decisions.
Scorpio Sun & Rising
You’re feeling creativity and inspiration in spades this month and the more you choose to express yourself and your emotions, the more love and abundance you’re likely to receive. Tune into your intuition and allow it to flow through you in the form of art and wisdom you might not even have known you had within you.
You are honestly pretty at home in the realm of shadow work and doing the deep dives into your psyche and emotions. This gift for finding beauty in the darkness will serve you well this month as you’re asked to reevaluate some old limiting beliefs coming to the surface, even if you thought you cleared or released them in the past.
Sagittarius Sun & Rising
The more you rest and take time to ask yourself the deep questions this month, the more you expand and the more love and abundance will manifest in your life. Your intuition is becoming more and more in tune with your deeper soul-level needs and you may be feeling like you’re more empathic or even psychic than you’ve ever been before. Trust the nudges you receive from spirit and from within – they will guide you to where you belong.
Although you can absolutely trust your intuition, you might need to be extra diligent about clarifying the messages you receive from your partner or close relationships. Communication issues may arise but don’t assign too much meaning to it – this will pass in a few weeks. However, take this opportunity to reflect on how you do communicate with those closest to you and how you can do so more effectively and openly.
Capricorn Sun & Rising
You’re feeling unusually romantic and open about your feelings this month. If you open your heart and let down your guard, you have the opportunity to receive more love and abundance than you would imagine. Normally you can be quite guarded and protective of your heart but this month is the time to allow some space for connection and openness.
You may run into some technical difficulties in your daily life, such as disruption of your schedule, household appliances breaking down, or some general miscommunication and glitches. Try not to react too harshly to these issues. They will pass and they are no one’s fault, including your own; focusing on breathwork and gut health will help keep you calm and balanced until things are back to normal.
Aquarius Sun & Rising
You’re receiving bountiful rewards and abundance this month! Wealth, love, good health, and material comforts are all available to you. All you need to do is open your heart to receive – but I know that can feel a lot more challenging than it sounds sometimes! The more you allow yourself to be grounded this month, the more opportunities will be presented to you. Some good grounding practices for you right now include self-massage, self-pleasure, getting intimate with your finances, and daily rituals to start your morning off right.
Your creativity might feel a bit out of whack this month so don’t try to force yourself to create, (whatever form of art or creative work you do), if it can be helped. Take this opportunity to reflect on what really makes you feel creative and inspired versus what makes you feel stifled or restricted in this area – then release or reconfigure anything that falls into the latter category!
Pisces Sun & Rising
You are experiencing abundant expansion and creativity this month and you might find yourself inspired by everything around you. The more you embrace your true identity as an empath and an intuitive, the more love and abundance you are likely to receive. In fact, tapping into your intuition and starting to understand what your intuitive hits and downloads look, sound, and feel like will be a powerful tool for manifesting your desires now and throughout next year.
This will be a really good opportunity to reevaluate your self-care practices and restructure them, if necessary. Take this time to reflect on what self-care means to you and how you need to vocalize your needs to those around you – and how you can be more effective at communicating them in the future. Miscommunications are also possible at home and within your family unit this month. Try not to take any misunderstandings too personally or react to them in overly emotional ways as they are no one’s fault and they will pass.
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