These July 2024 self-care horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs are based on the upcoming astrological transits, (the movement of the planets around the sky), and some of the general themes that are going to be activated for you in the coming month.
As a witch, I’ll be sharing some predictions, insight, and inspiration on how you can most effectively nurture yourself and practice self-care this month based on the cosmos.
I highly recommend that you generate your birth chart at or and read the horoscope for your rising sign but if you only know your sun sign, you can read for sun signs too or instead.
Please note that in order to generate a chart with an accurate rising sign, you will need your exact birth time, as even a few minutes can actually make a difference.
July 2024 Astrological Transits
- Mercury enters Leo (July 2-25): Mercury is the planet of communication and this month it’s moving through Leo, the sign of joy and creativity. Later in August, Mercury will be retrograde here so this is a preview of the lessons and realizations to come.
- Mars enters Gemini (July 20 – Sept 4): Mars is the planet of action and passion and it’s entering Gemini, which is all about the ways we network, communicate, and receive information. This is where Mars was retrograde at the end of 2022 so we may be having some conversations now to heal things that happened during that time.
- Full Blue Moon in Capricorn (July 21): A true blue moon is not two full moons in the same month but rather two full moons in a row in the same zodiac sign, which we have this month in Capricorn!
July 2024 Horoscopes
2024 July monthly horoscopes are here! Don’t forget to read for your sun AND rising sign.
July 2024 Aries Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about your creative projects and endeavors. What ideas spark your childlike wonder right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations within your friend group or with siblings. Something that you brushed under the rug in early 2023 may come back for you to resolve with them.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your career goals and invites you to double down on manifesting the job or business of your dreams.
July 2024 Taurus Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about what makes you feel safe and secure. What conversations are healing to your inner child right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your physical pleasure and desires for money. A lack of satisfaction that arose in early 2023 may come back for you to vocalize.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your spiritual path and practices and invites you to double down on manifesting a mentor or community that aligns with your beliefs.
July 2024 Gemini Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts with your friends and those who feel like siblings. What ideas garner your curiosity right now?
Mars in your sign brings up healing but contentious conversations around how you direct your will and influence. Something that you let go of in early 2023 because it felt heavy may come back for you to fully process.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your shadow self and invites you to double down on manifesting your own healing and magic.
July 2024 Cancer Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about pleasure and abundant joy. What sources of happiness light you up most right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your unspoken wants, needs, and desires. Something that you buried deep in your subconscious in early 2023 may come back for you to fully release now.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your relationships and invites you to double down on manifesting your person, that proposal, or the perfect business partner.
July 2024 Leo Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in your sign inspires you to share your thoughts about everything! What ideas and inspiration is coursing through you right now, ready to burst out?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations within the communities that you participate in. A situation that you let slide in early 2023 may come back for you to revisit and decide if your communities are still a good fit.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your rituals and routines and invites you to double down on manifesting good health and spiritual fulfillment.
July 2024 Virgo Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about your own subconscious desires and experiences. What intuitive yearnings have your heart right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your work and career. A goal or opportunity that you let go of in early 2023 may come back for another chance.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates the way you find creative fulfillment through your work and invites you to double down on manifesting the opportunities that will fuel you.
July 2024 Libra Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about your political beliefs and social values. What causes are inspiring you to speak right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your faith and spiritual mindset. A belief or spiritual path that you ended in early 2023 may come back for you to reevaluate.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your home and family and invites you to double down on manifesting the house of your dreams or a peaceful family schedule.
July 2024 Scorpio Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your goals and what you plan to achieve in your career with those who can help you get there. What accomplishments are calling your name right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your deepest desires or shadows. Something you chose not to fully heal or integrate in early 2023 may come back for you to talk through.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your communications and invites you to double down on manifesting the conversations that will help you grow and progress towards your goals.
July 2024 Sagittarius Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about spirituality and the ways that faith can intersect with joy. What enlightening ideas are fueling you right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your most intimate relationships. A conversation with a romantic or business partner that arose in early 2023 may come back for you to finally complete.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your finances and invites you to double down on manifesting an influx of cash or investment opportunities.
July 2024 Capricorn Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about taboos such as sex, death, and witchcraft. What shadowy corners do you wish to shine a light on right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around what feels most sacred to you. An act of devotion that you explored in early 2023 may come back for you to recommit to.
The blue moon in your sign illuminates your truest self and invites you to double down on manifesting whatever your heart desires.
July 2024 Aquarius Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts with your most intimate confidantes. What relationship highs and lows need discussion right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your childhood or your own children. An experience that arose or that you were reminded of in early 2023 may come back for you to parse out.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your dreams and invites you to double down on manifesting the practical things you desire in a mystical and intuitive way.
July 2024 Pisces Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mercury in Leo inspires you to share your thoughts about what feels healthy and good for your soul. How can you bring more joy into your spiritual and wellness routines right now?
Mars in Gemini brings up healing but contentious conversations around your home life. An issue that came up in early 2023 with your family members or housemates may come back for you to hash out.
The blue moon in Capricorn illuminates your communities and invites you to double down on manifesting the groups of people who help you feel supported and confident.
I’m interested in exploring how the planets influence our lives and how we can utilize these energies to take better care of ourselves.
Monkey Mart allows me to design and manage my own store the way I envision it. The freedom to decorate, arrange items, and create a unique space is a very satisfying experience. I love being able to express my creativity and personality through every detail of the store.
Take time to reflect on what you genuinely want and commit to making those dreams a reality. This lunar energy supports your ambitions and encourages you to embrace your authentic self.
Lows Adventures 3 delivers on its promises with a compelling story and satisfying gameplay loop. Complete challenging quests, defeat memorable bosses, and experience a sense of accomplishment with every play session.