I woke up at 6am on Sunday morning to get ready for an early morning Tennessee Valley hike with a friend. (Slow morning fog drifting out the window, hot coffee, the new Folklore album, breakfast taco and Twyla cuddles are always a great way to start a Sunday.)
One of the things I love most about living in San Francisco is just how dang close it is to nature. It’s a huge city but a secluded trail like Tennessee Valley is literally just a 12-minute drive North of the Golden Gate Bridge. We got there early though, because the parking lot will get full by 9am on any given weekend (pandemic or not.) Hey, it’s California after all! People live here to get out in nature.
My friend has been practicing safe COVID measures all year and I was just tested negative, so we felt safe hiking outdoors together, though we did wear masks for passing others on the trail. I love this buff from Mission that you wear on your neck so it’s easy to pull up while hiking as needed. It can also be worn on the head to pull back hair or soak up sweat!
Usually, this trail is known for sweeping views of the valley and ocean below, but this morning was just a thick wall of fog. I actually really love it. While it does get me a bit depressed by the end of August (or Fogust, as we call it here in San Francisco.) I think the fog can be hauntingly beautiful. It was super surreal to hike around in the bluffs not being able to see more than 100 feet ahead. Bunnies or the occasional hiker suddenly appearing from the mist ahead and disappearing just as quickly.
The fog also helped to cool us off. We ended up hiking over 6 miles and I would have been dying if it were sunny and warm out that morning!! My legs were certainly sore that evening and today (Monday) I can barely walk. I guess that’s what happens when you pretty much just sit on your couch for 5 months and then suddenly go on a 6-mile hike.
When I got home Robin was a sweet baby angel and rubbed my legs for me. He then made a batch of bagels and we watch Game of Thrones. A delightful Sunday!!