Just because the summer is coming to an end doesn’t mean that your travel plans have to! In fact, fall and winter are two of the best seasons for travel. Less crowds, shorter lines, and better flight deals.
For me, half of the battle of planning a trip is figuring out where to go. I have a trip bucket list about a mile long based solely on places that “sound cool,” with absolutely no idea what I’m doing. That is until I discovered the joy of the travel blog.
Following travel content is key for a couple of reasons. Not only do most posts contain a ton of beautiful photos and tips, but most of the top travel influencers have a ton of travel hacks you won’t find from travel agents or resort websites.
25 Best Travel Influencers For The Best #TravelInspo
Social media can be kind of a rabbit hole, so I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite content creators below. Just prep your tik tok account algorithm to be completely travel focused after looking some of these up. (aka welcome to traveltiktok!)
1. Whimsy Soul
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Top Platforms: Blog, Tik Tok, Instagram
I can’t not plug Whimsy Soul when talking about the best travel blogs to follow. In my very unbiased opinion, this is the best travel blog!
From a long list of bucket lists for various cities, states, and countries to an incredibly helpful compilation of hotel stays, Whimsy Soul is kind of a jack of all trades withs lots of new places to discover. CEO and founder Kara is also a very talented photographer, so the site is full of fantastic images from all over the world.
In addition to being one of the best sites a travel blogger could dream of, Whimsy Soul has a ton of other content including lifestyle advice, horoscopes, fashion, beauty, interior design, and of course, DIY projects.
2. Heykelseyj
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Top Platforms: Blog, Instagram, YouTube
If adventure photography and inspo pics are what you look for most in an influencer, than Kelsey Johnson is your girl.
Her profile is aspirational both in vibes and in location. I can’t go on her account without bookmarking at least the first three pictures I look at.
Based in Seattle, it’s a ton of Pacific Northwest Content that gives Twilight in the best possible way. Follow to get more views daily than a flight attendant!
3. Sarowly
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Top Platforms: Blog, Instagram, Pinterest
Sarowly is one of the best travel influencers for all things west coast travel. Sarah, who runs the site, is from Poland and currently lives in SF. So she’s got the best West Coast cities completely covered here in California.
In addition to amazing photography full of gorgeous views, Sarah’s account is an excellent place to look for hidden gems and best tips.
If, like me, your least favorite part of vacationing is planning the itinerary, Sarah’s got you covered. She has detailed itineraries posted for all of the trips she takes.
4. Chereneo
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Top Platforms: Blog
Almost no one can claim they have as many travel experiences as Cherise. Based on her blog, it seems like she’s been pretty much everywhere. Or at least every single continent (besides Antarctica).
As far as the content itself, Cherise posts a ton of guides. Most of them are money conscientious, which is extremely helpful if you’re thrifty AF like I am.
Plus, she’s got a ton of hidden gems like a list of the best California road stops!
5. Raviroundtheworld
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Top Platforms: YouTube, Tik Tok, Blog
Of all the influencers on the list, Ravi is perhaps the most upbeat, positive of them all. And he has the followers to prove it.
One of the best parts of his content is their dedication to posting guides tailored to LGBTQ viewers. Traveling can be intimidating when you aren’t sure which cities or states are queer friendly, so Ravi is a huge help.
NYC based, they’ve got great tips and tricks for navigating through one of the most intimidating cities in the country.
Plus, he’s a top follow in June. He’s got alllllll the best Pride content, so be sure to swing him a follow.
6. Jeenie.weenie
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube
Jeenie is more of a comedic travel blog than anything else. She’s got tons of airport jokes, which are best watched while miserable at the airport.
A former flight attendant, she knows all the little things that make travelling either horrific or amazing. I’ve never felt so understood and seen.
7. Justinavanessa
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Top Platforms: Tik Tok, Instagram, Blog
I need an invite to some of Justina’s trips. Stat.
One of the best parts of Justina’s content is that she’s so much more than a travel influencer. In addition to her many travel guides and hotel reviews, Justina posts fashion, food, and lifestyle content.
She’s also very forthcoming with links. I am always irritated when I can’t IMMEDIATELY find a link to an outfit (instant gratification 101), but that’s never an issue with Justina’s posts. The links are plenty and apparent!
8. Muradosmann
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Top Platforms: Instagram
With over 3.4 million followers, Murad Osmann is the travel photography account to follow.
His posts are pretty spectacular, featuring some of the most amazing sights to see in the coolest parts of the world. It’s no wonder he gets upwards of 50k likes per post.
My favorite part of his account has to be the cuteness factor. His wife and baby are featured almost as prominently as the travel itself. Most of the posts are from his POV with his wife leading the way. Swoon.
If you’re looking for more travel vibes than travel tips, Murad’s account is exactly what you need. He frequently collabs with crypto accounts, so if you’re in your crypto girly era, there’s that too (random, but hey!).
9. Hey_ciara
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Top Platforms: Twitter, Instagram, Blog
There’s not many things quite as daunting as traveling alone. I’m usually way too shy (at best) or way too scared (at worst).
Ciara Johnson is the queen of solo travel. Which to me is like, the ultimate crown. I can barely eat at a restaurant by myself. At least not without my phone or a book.
Like many others on this list, Ciara had a normal 9-5 before realizing how empty her life had become. She decided if it all, and began traveling. Her blog is extremely straightforward. She gives it to you straight– this is what you should skip, and this is what you absolutely cannot miss.
There’s an awesome feature on the blog that helps you plan your trip, too. Talk about all-inclusive!
10. Calliethorpe
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Blog
Callie is my feel good account. She posts a ton of extremely helpful travel guides and tips, but there’s a lot more to her blog and Instagram account.
In addition to some lovely (and I mean lovely) travel content, Callie is all about joyful living. Living each day to the absolute fullest and enjoying every aspect of life.
That includes, of course, her travel plans! Callie posts a lot of intentional and sustainable travel content. She also is all about the thorough enjoyment of food and eating while on vacation (I cannot stress enough how much food means to me while I travel).
On her blog, there’s a special “confidence corner” that absolutely reeks of positivity. You can’t click through without smiling. Callie will not only inspire your next trip, but perhaps your next good mood.
11. 27travels
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Top Platforms: Youtube, TikTok, Instagram
Gabi and Shanna are goals AF. In addition to being a lesbian influencer couple that took over travel TikTok with their videos on everything from itineraries to safety tips for travelling LGBTQ folks, they recently got their own show on MSG Network. Obsessed.
Something about TikTok travel paired with couples content makes me want to pack a bag immediately. It takes the term “aspirational” to the next level.
While all their content is fantastic, and they got their start as TikTok influencers, their YouTube channel is probably my favorite.
They post city reviews of each place they visit that are perfect in length– each one is about 15 minutes long and covers the good, the bad, and the ugly. And you can’t quite squeeze 15 minutes of content into a TikTok video.
12. Izkiz
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Blog
Jennifer Tuffen has been in the influencer life for a while now. And she’s dang good at it. With over 1,000 travel posts shared, some would even call her an expert.
Based in the UK, much of her content is European. Or at least on the other side of the pond.
While she definitely does post some tips/tricks while travelling, the base of Jennifer’s content is what I think of as goal pictures. Much like Pinterest, her Insta features some of the most stunning views and food pics that are perfect for saving for your next trip.
She also has a super cute vacation style, and all of her outfits are linked.
13. Salah.brooks
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Top Platforms: TikTok, YouTube, Instagram
When it comes to van life, Salah Brooks is your girl. She’s made a killing (6.5 million followers) as one of the top TikTok travel influencers, posting the majority of her content out of a school bus she and her (ex) fiancé converted into a home on wheels.
Part of what I like about Salah’s content is that aside from the travel tips and reviews she gives of her visits (which are pretty constant), she keeps it real. Viewers feel connected to Salah’s story and her decision to forgo a “normal” life for a life on the road. I won’t spoil it– check it out yourself!
She also posts a ton of van renovation videos, which are fascinating to me. Besides their own van she and her ex-fiancé (they’re still friends, go check it out for the details) are in the process of converting more vans to run an Air BnB style operation. I loveeeee renovation videos. Almost as much as travel videos.
Salah also was at Burning Man this year while the floods were happening and was one of the top TikTok accounts posting details about how people were managing and coping. A little parasocial? Maybe. Totally fascinating? Definitely.
14. Herboozytails
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Top Platforms: Instagram, TikTok
One of the worst parts of traveling– actually, the worst part about traveling– is leaving behind my dog. Not only do I feel incredibly guilty, but dog sitter fees are a total slap in the face.
Melanie Demi has never felt this struggle. This Austin based travel influencer doesn’t go anywhere her dogs can’t. Or at least it seems that way! Which by the way, is a massive feat– her dogs are not small! One of them is as big as a small horse!
A lot of her content is tailored to the two things directly stated in her bio: tails, and booze. If you’re looking for tips on bringing your pup on your next adventure or where to get a beer after traveling with a dog in coach, Melanie is your gal.
15. Mgtenazas
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Top Platforms: Instagram, TikTok
I love a crystal blue ocean. The type of water where you can see your feet at the bottom is there for a large number of the places Mikki Tenazas visits and posts.
Mikki is a jack of all trades. His TikTok account is huge, chock full of advice, Q/As, and of course, travel blogs. He also has some lovely and very inspirational travel edits that I find super relaxing for whatever reason.
Mikki often travels with his partner, Ricardo, and as I said before, I just love couple’s content. I’m a sucker for a cute beach pic.
Beyond hotels and restaurant recommendations, Mikki also posts a lot of “hidden gem” recommendations in terms of sights to see and spots to hit. He travels all over, but seems to err on the side of beach trips/tropical vibes. Which is never a bad time.
16. Livelikeitsthewknd
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Top Platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Blog
A travel blogger turned Instagram travel guru, Michelle Halpern specializes in California visits and hotel recommendations.
Travel guides, tips, things to avoid, she has it all. Her TikTok account is still “up and coming” compared with the follower count she has on her other platforms, but it’s quickly becoming my favorite.
I adore videos that lean into TikTok trends such as “Day in the Life” or “5 Things You Can’t Miss in Mexico,” and Michelle posts quite a bit of that. Never gonna skip a view on the 5 things I can’t miss! I have to know what it is I can’t miss!!
A former corporate fashion girly, Michelle is very forthcoming with outfit links and ideas to jumpstart your vacation wardrobe, too.
17. Onegrloneworld
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Top Platforms: TikTok, Instagram, Blog
I loveee an all-inclusive travel/lifestyle blog. If I’m going to be getting travel tips, I might as well stick around for the lifestyle tips too!
Francesca has a little bit of everything on her channels. As a retired celebrity PR lady, she has excellent tips and tricks for getting the best deals possible.
She also posts extremely honest reviews on each place she visits. Which is so helpful!! We don’t just want the best and most beautiful about each location. We want to know where to avoid and what to skip. Francesca is super helpful when it comes to that aspect of travel blogging.
In terms of lifestyle content, Francesca does product reviews and listicles that champion Black and female owned business and products.
18. Jackmorris
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Blog
Jack Morris is the king of Instagram photography. A completely self-taught photographer, he takes some of the most stunning photos of all the most visited places in the world. And he somehow manages to make them look new again.
If you’re more interested in videos with sound or voice overs, Jack’s account isn’t for you. He focuses more on artistic aesthtics and travel goals more than tips or tricks.
What I love about this account are the #vibes. Everything from his clothing to the food he posts is so vibey and cool. It makes me want to live his life. Or at least stalk the tagged section and try to mimic his trips as closely as possible.
19. Palmtreesandpellegrino
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Top Platforms: Blog, Instagram
Described as a blog for travel tips and style advice for “zillenials,” San Diego based influencer Giulia definitely understands her audience. Her blog is full of beautiful photography and quippy advice lists that will guide you towards some amazing trip ideas.
Again, I really can’t stress how much I enjoy travelling with listicles. It’s the easiest way to make sure you’re hitting each spot. Giulia’s Instagram is gorgeous and wonderfully curated, but her blog is where it’s at. It’s well-designed, easy to navigate, and has a ton of great advice.
In terms of lifestyle, Giulia knows what she’s doing when it comes to food, clothing, and interior design. This is much more than a travel blog!!
20. Reneeroaming
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Top Platforms: Instagram, YouTube, Blog
The more often I lurk accounts like Reneeroaming, the more I find myself convinced I need to sell everything I own and live the van life. They just make it look so appealing!!
Renee Hahnel is a huge win for the outdoorsy girlies of the world. Her content is catered towards camping, hiking, backpacking, and the National Parks lifestyle. Accounts like Renee’s make outdoor travel accessible and easily digestible for even the most sheltered among us.
One of my favorite parts of this blog is Renee’s focus on her perspective as a woman in outdoor spaces. For better or for worse, we don’t leave our identities behind when we travel. Renee keeps that in mind as she advises how to stay safe when traveling alone as a woman.
In addition to travel tips, Renee has awesome advice on where to splurge and where to save when it comes to outdoors gear. Save yourself a couple bucks on the million dollar REI tent and consult Renee’s list first!
21. Samandkellysvan
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Top Platforms: YouTube, Instagram
I’m beginning to reveal myself as a bit of a van life enthusiast. Still, I have to plug Sam and Kelly. There’s something uniquely post-COVID America romantic about travelling the country alone with your partner in a van. I’m here for it.
Sam, Kelly, and their adorable dog Sunny have a van that’s nicer than my apartment. Probably bigger, too. Which is more of a comment on the horrific apartment conditions in NYC right now, but still.
They post weekly YouTube videos following their travels as well as daily updates on Instagram. Their content has a little bit of everything: camping tips, van inspo, vlogs, daily affirmations, they’ve got it covered.
The majority of their posts are Instagram reels and videos, so just be sure to bring a pair of headphones while stalking.
22. Roxonajourney
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Top Platforms: Instagram, TikTok, Blog
Roxanne Weijer is an absolute goal when it comes to joyful travelling. Her account is one of the happiest, most joyful expressions of adventuring I’ve ever seen! And it’s queer AF, too!
Originally from the Netherlands, Roxanne’s goal is to try as many things as possible. She not only travels the world, but has a very long list of vegan recipes on her blog as well.
There’s also a side page for rainbow food recipes, which will come in handy during Pride.
While she used to collab frequently with her (now ex) girlfriend, it’s been very inspiring watching her rebound and re-design her platform on her own. We love a single girl, a self-love journey!
23. Chrisburkard
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Top Platforms: Website, Instagram
Chris Burkard is more of an aspirational, omg where tf is that, type of influencer. And he’s not so much an influencer as he is an insanely talented outdoor photographer.
I started following Chris just after moving to New York City. I found myself, like many New Yorkers, in an outdoor space drought. Chris’s account was very reassuring. Even though I can’t see it, there are still green and blue places in the world. Besides Central Park.
The account is almost entirely made up of scenic shots of some of the most spectacular nature this world has to offer. It’s definitely inspired me to venture outside of the 5 boroughs more often. Even if it is just to Upstate.
24. Summerginther
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Blog, TikTok
I go absolutely feral for an A-frame house. It’s giving woodland fairy in the absolute best way possible.
Summer Ginther is the expert on A-frames. About half of her content is focused on A-frame home design, tiny home hacks, and DIY project design. We love a lady who knows how to wield a hammer.
In terms of travel, think outdoors. And for that reason, think affordable! Much of her tips are in regard to camping and hiking. She even has been known to schedule meetups for followers of the blog to go on hikes together, giving like-minded internet folks the chance to meet IRL.
Summer and her partner also have a van that they frequently travel out of. One of the unique aspects of Summer’s account is her transparency when it comes to van costs. Extremely helpful if you’re thinking about it!
25. Teagan.maddux
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Top Platforms: Instagram, Blog
Teagan Maddux’s pictures capture what it is to live wildly. Most of her travels are done throughout National Parks, forests, and mountain ranges in the United States. And they are stunning.
While this platform is less advice based and more of a dump of Maddux’s own experiences, it is still helpful in terms of sparking ideas for your own adventures. One of the hardest things about outdoorsy travel (if you grew up NOT outdoorsy, like me), is figuring out where to go.
In addition to hiking and climbing, Teagan is big into surfing. I myself have tried and failed many times to surf, and yet this account has inspired me to one day try again. She just looks too cool.
If you’re thinking about how and where to get into backpacking, check out Teagan’s account. It’s full to the brim with inspiration!
From the Colorado Rockies to the streets of Rome, there is a travel influencer niche for just about everyone. My personal method is to follow as many as possible so I can plan as many aspirational trips as my overstuff day planner will allow.
Regardless of the account you decide to follow, the thread remains the same: life is short and experiences what matters most in life. Especially experiences and memories with those we love.
So many of these influencers are former corporate employees who decided to forgo the 9-5 for a far scarier but perhaps more rewarding lifestyle. There’s something so inspiring about that, even if it isn’t a decision I could make (I’m a little bit too type A for my own good).
Hopefully any number of these accounts will inspire you as they’ve inspired me. Life’s too short to stress about the small stuff, and adventure awaits!
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