Happy New Year! These February 2025 self-care horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs are based on the February astrological transits, (the movement of the planets around the sky), and some of the general themes that are going to be activated for you in the coming month.
As a witch, I’ll be sharing some predictions, insight, and inspiration on how you can most effectively nurture yourself and practice self-care this month based on the cosmos.
I highly recommend that you generate your birth chart at www.astro.com or www.astro-charts.com and read the horoscope for your rising sign but if you only know your sun sign, you can read for sun signs too or instead.
Please note that in order to generate a chart with an accurate rising sign, you will need your exact birth time, as even a few minutes can actually make a difference.
Venus in Aries
(February 4 – March 27): For most of the next two months, Venus, the planet of love and desire, will be in Aries, the sign of passion and individuality. Venus will be retrograde here for almost all of March, but first we get a preview of the themes that will be activated then so pay attention to what comes up in your relationships and finances.
- Aries: Trust your gut but don’t block yourself from receiving blessings
- Taurus: Fight for what you want, even when it seems totally illogical
- Gemini: Go after what you know is right, not just for yourself but for everyone
- Cancer: Slay your own dragons and stand up for yourself, especially at work
- Leo: Keep a keen eye on what makes you happy – and don’t let anything rain on your joy
- Virgo: Face your demons – they aren’t that scary and they might even be a little sexy
- Libra: Love may be war, but you deserve for someone to fight for you as much as you fight for them
- Scorpio: Choose your battles based on what you truly value and don’t get stuck in the weeds
- Sagittarius: Pour all your creative, chaotic energy out onto your canvas of choice
- Capricorn: Protect the windows of rest and self-care in your schedule at all costs
- Aquarius: Raise your voice passionately in support of your values
- Pisces: Pursue pleasure doggedly and make space to receive what you desire
Full Moon in Leo
(February 12): This is a vibrant and creative full moon that shines its light on all the ways we can each be of service to the collective. Lead yourself and follow your heart.
Self-leadership for you looks like…
- Aries: Romanticizing your daily life and taking action on your creative impulses.
- Taurus: Resting whenever you need it because you don’t have to earn relaxation.
- Gemini: Speaking up as loudly and flamboyantly as you know how.
- Cancer: Trusting how things feel in your body and in your heart.
- Leo: Running with it when creativity strikes, no matter what anyone else thinks.
- Virgo: Following your intuition which feels like childlike joy and excitement.
- Libra: Finding your community and empowering yourself to ask for support.
- Scorpio: Standing in your power unapologetically and allowing yourself to be witnessed.
- Sagittarius: Expanding your horizons through joyful self-reflection and exploration.
- Capricorn: Being unafraid of the shadowy, taboo parts of life.
- Aquarius: Seeking out joy, fun, and romance in the world around you.
- Pisces: Bringing playfulness into every part of your daily life.
Pisces Season
(Begins February 18): As of February 18, the sun, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, and the north node will all be in Pisces and we will have a new moon here on February 27 as well. Sensitive, intuitive energy will be flowing and emotions will likely be high.
You access your intuition by…
- Aries: Noticing the signs that abound all around you.
- Taurus: Paying attention to your dreams and the visualizations that come easily.
- Gemini: Rooting into the past and imagining what’s possible in the future.
- Cancer: Letting your imagination run wild and pouring your thoughts onto the page.
- Leo: Confronting any lingering doubts about trusting yourself and compiling evidence that your inner wisdom is in fact trustworthy.
- Virgo: Talking it out with the people around you and trusting your heart.
- Libra: Ritualizing your intuitive practices, like pulling a tarot card every day.
- Scorpio: Asking your inner child to guide you or losing yourself in artistic expression.
- Sagittarius: Tapping into the power and wisdom of your ancestry.
- Capricorn: Writing all your thoughts out and clearing your head so you can hear the truth within.
- Aquarius: Getting grounded in your physical body and paying attention to the wisdom of sensation.
- Pisces: Putting your own needs, wants, desires, and beliefs first – always.