These January 2024 self-care horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs are based on the upcoming astrological transits, (the movement of the planets around the sky), and some of the general themes that are going to be activated for you in the coming month.
As a witch, I’ll be sharing some predictions, insight, and inspiration on how you can most effectively nurture yourself and practice self-care this month based on the cosmos.
I highly recommend that you generate your birth chart at or and read the horoscope for your rising sign but if you only know your sun sign, you can read for sun signs too or instead.
Please note that in order to generate a chart with an accurate rising sign, you will need your exact birth time, as even a few minutes can actually make a difference.
January 2024 Astrological Transits
- Mars in Capricorn (January 4 – February 13): Mars is the planet of action and passion and one of its most comfortable signs is Capricorn, which is all about structure and goals. This is a great energy to start the year with to support your goals and New Year’s resolutions!
- Pluto in Aquarius (begins January 20): Other than a few months in 2023, Pluto has not been in Aquarius since the 1700s. The American and French Revolutions both occurred the last time Pluto was here… so society is about to undergo some deep transformations. On a personal level, this is going to be about prioritizing your own radical rest, joy, and collective care.
- Full Moon in Leo (January 25): We end the month with a vibrant full moon in Leo, the sign of creativity and sovereignty. Stand in your own power and celebrate how far you’ve come. Brag a little – your loudest cheerleader should be yourself!
January 2024 Horoscopes For Self Care & Wellness
2024 January monthly horoscopes are here! Don’t forget to read for your sun AND rising sign.
January 2024 Aries Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your career goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to get that promotion, grow your business, or start a whole new venture. Be aware of the possibility for burnout and prioritize a work-life balance. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – take the first few weeks to plan and prep your dreamiest work environment, then take action on the plan.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your communities and the ways you ask for support from those around you. You are fiercely independent but you are stepping into a new era of collective care and consciousness.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to feel immense self-gratitude and to thank your inner child for your passion and creativity. Do an art project or play dress up in the living room. Just do something that makes you laugh and connect with the heart of joy within you!
January 2024 Taurus Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your travel and education goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to spend that month in Europe you’ve been dreaming of or to sign up for that course or graduate program. Be aware of the possibility for burnout and for doggedly thinking you’re right… even when you’re not. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – take the first few weeks to plan and prep your dreamiest next adventure, then take action on the plan.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your career and public life. You are typically very grounded but you are stepping into a new era of more radical, equitable, and off-the-beaten-path career choices.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to feel deep self-gratitude and to thank yourself for all the re-mothering and re-parenting you’ve done – conscious or not. Make a cozy nest for yourself and stay in bed with a yummy cup of tea… or a bottle of champagne! Do something that makes you feel nourished and cared for.
January 2024 Gemini Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your psychological goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to get support around your mental health and shadows. Be aware of the possibility for emotional waves and for feeling particularly tender and sensitive – it’s okay. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – take the first few weeks to be gentle with yourself and discover what needs actually are not getting met right now.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your role as a spiritual teacher or leader. You are already very much about relationships and the community, but you are stepping into a new era of collective leadership.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to feel playful self-gratitude and to thank your inner trickster and mischief maker for always making life interesting. Do some journaling or meditation, but make it fun – draw, dance, or sing!
January 2024 Cancer Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your relationship goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to find your person or take your relationship to the next level. This isn’t just romantic either, you might be looking for a new bestie or business partner! Be aware of the possibility for some disagreements or friction in those close relationships, but know that these are being brought to your attention so they can be addressed.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your inner world. You are very aware of your emotions, shadows, and inner thoughts and feelings, (your emotional intelligence is a hallmark), but you are stepping into a new era of healing.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to really feel self-gratitude in your body and to thank your physical body for supporting and carrying you through life, even if it does so imperfectly. Take a delicious bath or sign up for a supportive movement class. Do something that helps you reconnect with your body and soul.
January 2024 Leo Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your resolutions as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to meet your work goals, have healthier habits, and feel better in your body. Be aware of the possibility for some burnout and overdoing it, so make as much time for self-care and nourishing rituals as you spend strategizing. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – take the first few weeks to prep and plan and get your calendars and planners in order!
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your intimate connections with others. You are a passionate person, but you are stepping into a new era of prioritizing listening and receiving from others as much as sharing and giving.
At the full moon in your sign, which happens once a year, take the time to really express self-gratitude and to thank every part of yourself – your body, your mind, your heart, your soul, your experiences good and bad – for helping to make up who you are. Stand under the full moon and bask in the joy of being you.
January 2024 Virgo Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your creative goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to get your art out into the world, to finally finish that one project or get back to that favorite hobby. Be aware of the possibility for perfectionism creeping in – your art is enough, no matter what you do. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – take the first few weeks to reflect on what you feel most passionate about first.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your health and habits. You are a very grounded person who is concerned with the details of life, but you are stepping into a new era of seeing the bigger picture.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to rest and go within, thanking your intuition and inner wisdom for always being there for you. Prioritize your sleep, knowing that bright moments of inspiration may come through your dreams, at this time. Do something that makes you feel safe to rest.
January 2024 Libra Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your home and household goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to find that perfect new place to live, to spruce up your home, or to do a deep clean. Be aware of the possibility for feeling extra emotional and sensitive – this is not a bad thing, just give yourself the space to feel it.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your creative drive and perhaps around your romantic or sexual desires. You are a very open-minded person, but you are stepping into a new era of seeing the much wider array of possibilities.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to express self-gratitude for all the ways you show up for your community and friends. Hopefully they acknowledge it in return, but it’s important to see yourself as kind and giving too. Do something for the people around you that also lights you up!
January 2024 Scorpio Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your communication and writing goals as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to finally write that book, start your blog, or just express yourself more clearly and directly. Be aware of the possibility for friction with friends and siblings, but know that these disagreements are just coming up to be resolved.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your home life and family. You are a deeply private and intuitive person, but you are stepping into a new era of openness with the people you live with, are related to, and perhaps even with yourself about the alternative lifestyle you desire to lead.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to celebrate self-gratitude and to thank yourself for always going after your goals with passion and vigor. Reflect on all the goals, especially related to career, that you have achieved – challenge yourself to write down at least 20… then 50 or 100!
January 2024 Sagittarius Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your finances and desire for a beautiful life as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place for investing, spending your money on meaningful things or experiences, and to set up your home with beautiful things you’ve always wanted. Frankly, it’s also a pretty good time to amp up your sex life! Be aware of the possibility for overindulging too, though.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around the way you communicate and express yourself. You are a pretty open book much of the time, but you are stepping into a new era of sharing your truth and speaking up when you see injustice.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to feel self-gratitude for all the ways you listen to your inner wisdom and guidance. You are the only person who truly knows what’s right for you and following your passion has never led you wrong. Celebrate and reflect on that.
January 2024 Capricorn Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in your sign, which only happens once every two years, is lighting a fire under you as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place for the next two years of goals around your career, relationships, home life, and overall happiness. Be aware of the possibility for overdoing it as you finally start to get some of your energy back after some intense periods – subvert this by not rushing into high gear immediately, but rather taking the time to prep and plan for your deepest desires, not just what others expect.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your finances. You are a very practical person and always have an eye on your bank accounts, but you are stepping into a new era of expanded generosity and a desire to uplift others financially.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time for a deep breath and a bigger sigh. You are typically very go-go-go but this is an opportunity to just rest in the simple truths of who you are. Reflect on the flawed parts of yourself and give them deep love, gratitude, and appreciation.
January 2024 Aquarius Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your most subconscious goals and desires as we kick off the year. This may feel very tender and even a bit raw at times so be gentle and kind to yourself. Don’t worry so much about finding a strategy or way forward – that will become clear in a few months. Rather, take this time to feel your feelings, to dream, and to get grounded in the things you don’t yet know.
You will start to experience the incredibly powerful but slowly unfolding transformation of Pluto in your sign this year. The next two decades will bring vast change and you are entering the chrysalis of this transformation at this time. There is nothing you need to do, just be aware and open.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time for deep self-gratitude around the ways you ask for support. That might sound contradictory, but for you relationships are about a balance of asking for what you need and being willing to receive it. Spend some time with the people you care about most at this time.
January 2024 Pisces Horoscope – Sun & Rising
Mars in Capricorn is lighting a fire under your goals for social justice as we kick off the year. This is the time to put a clear strategy in place to stand up for what you believe and to fight for what you know is right. Be aware of the possibility for running yourself a bit ragged trying to fight the system and build in plenty of time for rest, self-care, and disconnection as well. Don’t just rush into high gear on January 1st – spend the first few weeks planning and connecting with others who share your values.
You will start to experience the slow transformation of Pluto in Aquarius this year around your intuition and subconscious. You are a naturally very intuitive and connected person, but you are stepping into a new era of embracing your psychic gifts or connecting with the beyond.
At the full moon in Leo, take the time to express self-gratitude for all the ways you show up for yourself and honor your own needs. Do a full moon ritual or take a ritual bath to show yourself that you are important and worthy.
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