I suddenly found myself online shopping for mustard yellow dress shirts and ties at 11pm.
My friends and I had booked cheap tickets to Los Angeles and we were racking our brains for something new to do in the city (perks of living in San Franciso – LA is like a backyard playground!) And then, after listening to an episode of The Office Ladies podcast, it suddenly hit me:
What if we go to LA to find all The Office filming spots? I texted my friend Gen if she wants to and she replied: “Absolutely I do.”
Keep reading to learn where The Office was filmed, exact addresses of The Office filming locations and photos to help guide you to these spots in real life!
>> Got a question about The Office locations feautred here that you need answered quickly? DM me on Instagram @thewhimsysoul and I’ll be happy to help!
Where was The Office Filmed in Real Life?
So, where was The Office Filmed? Well, not in Scranton PA that’s for sure. According to Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsley (aka Pam and Angela) on their podcast, the first season was actually filmed in a real office building. Isn’t it wild that they used an actual office? Imagine a whole crew and actors crammed in there.
But, after the second season, the rest of the series was moved to a sound stage that some team replicated exactly to look like the original.
And of course, the outdoor locations & shots from The Office were filmed in “The Valley” in Los Angeles, primarily located around Van Nuys and Studio City.
(Minus the beach day location and Schrute Farms, the latter which was filmed at Golden Oak Ranch which is an 800+ filming lot owned by Disney. Tons of movies like The Parent Trap and Princess Diaries II were filmed here, too!)
Asking yourself where was The Office filmed in Scranton? Other than the opening credits, it was all filmed in Los Angeles. Though I’m told the real-life Steamtown Mall in Scranton, PA does pay homage to the show.
The Office Filming Locations: Addresses + Photos Of All The Scranton Icons
Heads up – some of the addresses shared by other blogs or found via a simple Google Maps search are incorrect. The addresses I’m sharing with you here for the spots we visited are verified and correct!
And, before we begin, shout out to The Office Ladies Podcast for a lot of this behind the scenes information + fun facts I’m going to share with you throughout this post.
Jim & Pam’s House
Address: 13831 Calvert Street, Van Nuys
Personally, if my husband bought me a house with a permanent creepy clown painting without asking me, I wouldn’t be too thrilled. But this classic set location is easy to find, has tons of street parking, and makes a great first stop.
Jim & Pam’s house looks a bit different now – there’s way fewer trees, no white fence and the front is fixed up. I also saw a woman walk in wearing a very cute dress I recognized from Target so I like to imagine the folks who live there now are woke millennials who are also The Office fans.
Poor Richards Pub
Address: 21010 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills
Poor Richards – aka Pickwick’s Pub in real life – is a divey little Packers bar (much to my delight, as I originally hail from Wisconsin.) I was a little nervous that the staff would be annoyed that yet ANOTHER group of The Office fans showed up just to buy a beer and take photos, but the bartender was incredibly nice.
There’s not a lot left from The Office days. In the back is where you can find the two doors leading into the pub, though they are now painted red. On the inside, there’s just one mirror with “Poor Richards Pub” embossed on it. I like to think Meredith Palmer’s spirit lives on here.
We hit this spot towards the end of our film location hunt so we treated ourselves to a house red ale (really good, try it!) and some fried pickles.
Phyllis and Bob Vance’s Wedding Church
Address: 4390 Colfax Ave, North Hollywood
Phyllis and Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, got married at the First Christin Church of North Hollywood. There’s a parking lot next to it that says it’s for church parking only, but we parked there for 5 quick minutes to snap photos.
I was a former wedding photographer, this scene always tickles me. I can’t tell you the number of times I have used this exact trick to get people out of frames (it’s usually a mom or an aunt who beckons over some random family member into a shot, but after a few snaps they need to GTFO because this is a photo for the bride’s immediate family only or something like that.)
Steamtown Mall
Address: 14006 Riverside Dr, Sherman Oaks
The Steamtown Mall actually a Westfield Fashion Square Mall, but if you’re mega fans like yours truly, you can still find the places they filmed inside.
Probably one of the most awkward episodes of all is when Micheal takes the ladies of the office to the mall to go shopping and not just any store. Victoria’s Secret. Think about how odd it would be if your boss right now (male or female) took you to Victoria’s Secret to go shopping!
But there’s more spots inside, like the fountain that Micheal tries to climb into. We weren’t going to stop here at first because, honestly, it’s just a mall but we needed a coffee break and Starbucks just happened to be next to that fountain.
And it was pretty fun trying to recreate Pam’s photo from inside Victoria’s Secret.
Jim & Pam’s Church
Address: 14115 W Magnolia Blvd, Sherman Oaks
The First Christian Church aka Jim & Pam’s wedding church!
This was where I changed out of my yellow Dwight costume and into a white dress I had packed along. I had happened to style my hair curly that day and we decided I looked enough like a “Pam in a wedding dress” to snap some photos with Three-Hole Punch Jim in front of their church.
This church is really large and sprawling. It was hard to find a single iconic area to shoot in without doing too much trespassing, but when you are there in person you can totally see areas inside the gates that Jim did some scenes in.
Oscar’s House
Address: 5232 Longridge Ave, Sherman Oaks
I’ve always wondered what Angela thought of Oscar’s house when she came to live with him. Probably thought the blue was whoreish or something (HA!)
What you don’t see on the show is the beautiful tree that was starting to blossom in front of the house. The owners were home (hence the car in the driveaway) so we didn’t stay too long to gawk.
Dunder Mifflin Building
Address: 13927 Saticoy Street, Panorama City
And now, for the hero: The Dunder Mifflin Office! Sadly, the Scranton Business park is no longer, this building is now the Chandler Valley Center Studios in the San Fernando Valley.
As you can see from the photos, it looks exactly the same from in the show, but with a different name slapped on the front. Hedges and all!
As a heads up, the office exterior park is guarded and fenced off. (I mean, it’s fair. They get The Office fans showing up every single day.) Gen tried to go around back to see if she could find the loading docks where scenes were filmed (like that one where Miheal buys “weed” to frame Toby) but encountered a guard.
But, it was funny imagining Steve Carell on top of the Chandler studios building doing something stupid and picturing how if The Office really was here, that episode where the parking lot is closed totally makes sense. There is like, NO easy street parking on that road!
Other The Office Filming Locations
We ran out of time (and also getting tired, we did wake up at 3am and flew to LA that same after all!) These are the other locations from The Office that we didn’t get a chance to visit but you totally can if you’re a champ!
*Since we did not visit these in person, I can’t guarantee the addresses are 100% correct but these are where I believe each spot is located. They’re all pretty close to Van Nuys Blvd. I’ll keep this updates as news comes from the podcast on locations!
Michael Scott’s condo: 7303 Bonnie Pl, Reseda, CA 91335 (We chose to skip this because based on the photos I found online, the condo is behind a large private gate.)
David Wallace’s house: The mega-mansion that appears in a lot of episodes is at 5133 Louise Ave, Encino, CA 91316
Deryl’s House: 14152 Emelita St, Van Nuys, CA 91401
Ice Skating Rink: During Season 2, the office staff goes ice skating as a way to cheer up Kevin while he is waiting for his doctor’s call on his cancer screening. But of course it doubles as Michael’s birthday party. It’s filmed at the Pickwick Ice Center and is located on W. Riverside Drive in Burbank.
Rite Aid: Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly do to Rite Aid in Season Two. That exact Rite Aid is located at 7239 Woodman Ave Van Nuys, CA 91405
The Convention: Remember the episode where they fly to Canada? Most of it was actually filmed at the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel, not actually up North.
Michael’s Last Dundies Famous Italian Restaurant: Located at 13726 Oxnard St, Valley Glen, CA 91401
The Coup: Where Dwight secretly meets Jan. It was filmed at 10001 Riverside Dr, Toluca Lake, CA 91602
Meredith’s House: 14142 Emelita street in van nuys
Dwight’s Bachelor Party Dinner scenes: Tam O’ Shanter in Atwater Village
*RIP Chili’s: Wondering what Chili’s was The Office filmed at? According to The Office Ladies podcast, it was a temporary Chili’s that was torn down after filming was over. So you can’t visit the exact one… but like, it’s a chain guys so you can relive your Dundies moments all over the country.
Company Picnic: 327 Latigo Canyon Road, Malibu where Michael and Holly do that very awkward skit.
Gas Station Jim Proposes To Pam: This iconic and one of the best Office scenes takes places at the real gas station at 2909 Los Feliz Boulevard in Atwater Village.
Threat Level Midnight Film Locations: The office filming locations for this mini movie include:
- 4354 Woodman Ave, Sherman Oaks
- Iceland Ice Skating Center at 14318 Calvert St, Van Nuys
My Easy Dwight Costume
Oh, and as you can see from photos, we took our fangirling to a whole other level by dressing up as characters. (Or, stealing the identity of our favorite characters, which isn’t a joke JIM, but we sure had fun.)
I absolutely adore Dwight Schrute (and yellow just happens to be my favorite color) so I called dibs on his sexy mustard ensemble. Gen was Three Hole Punch Jim and Bri did a perfect Kelly.
I ordered my costume pieces online and immediately started memorizing the perfect crime speech…
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you visit The Office set?
You can’t visit the sound stage set that was used filming the office, but you can go out into Los Angeles and visit The Office filming locations exteriors yourself.
The inside of the fake Dunder Mifflin location is still a working studio so don’t try and trespass. Instead, enjoy doing a little self-guided tour on your own!
Was The Office Filmed In A Real Office?
Nope! It’s all a set and script, but dang they do a good job faking it.
Where Is The Office Filmed?
Mostly around the Los Angeles / Van Nuys Area
Where Does The Office Take Place
The show is set in Scranton, PA but it is filmed in California.
So that’s it, folks! I literally started squealing when we turned the corner and saw The Office building. I couldn’t wait to share all these addresses and the film locations with you. Since, rewatching the show is even more fun now, because I know what those spots look like In Real Life.
And, listening to the Office Ladies Podcast is even more fun now since I can visualize all the places they are talking about.
And I got a new appreciation for how tv shows are filmed, especially a show like The Office with such a unique approach to film making. It was fun to walk into places like Poor Richards and be like “how DID they fit everyone in here?”
@whimsysoul We flew to LA just for this #dontletitflop #theoffice #dwightschrute #fyp #losangeles ♬ original sound – Kara – Travel Blogger
Anyways, please go on a tour of your own.
Have any addresses to add that didn’t make it to this post? Drop a comment below so everyone can see!! There’s so many obscure locations from over the years that didn’t make it into this post I’m sure. If you have questions, leave a comment or DM me on Instagram @thewhimsysoul and I’ll be happy to help!
There is an Aldi’s where the chili’s used to be. It is very close to Chandler Valley Studios and across the street from the Panarama city walmart/mall (presumably where Angela went on a break to buy a snorkel in the story from the podcast).
Ahhh thanks for that tidbit! RIP Chili’s haha
I lived right across the street closer to Willis than VanNuys. That Walmart and the mall were my second home! You are right the building they filmed the chilies is across from the Wendys !
Excellent page! We’re rewatching The Office and we just realized that Jim & Pam’s rehearsal dinner was held at The Smoke House in Burbank (4420 Lakeside Dr.) which was also used as the piano bar/restaurant in the beginning of La La Land. They have an over-the-top brunch on the weekend. Check it out. Right next to Warner Bros. Studios.
The bar they do the scarn at is the chimneysweep on Woodman and Ventura in Sherman oaks 🙂
Awesome tip Kali, thanks!!
Yep I recognized that too. Also The Federal Bar in NoHo on Trivia Pub Night in Philly.
Yes, I’m commenting years after you posted this, but I recently started and finished watching the series. I got curious about filming locations, and that’s how I found your page. As an East Coast guy from NJ and having visited Scranton & the Poconos area a lot over the years, I wondered if any sites were actually filmed in the region… I mean, besides NYC and Niagara Falls!
What made me suspect it was all California was an outdoor scene, maybe Dwight’s property? The mountains in the background were very Non-Poconos. Nothing Appalachian about them at all! They were very sharp, rocky grey, not green and stood alone in the far distance. I thought I might take a day trip this fall to find any actual PA filming locations, but *sigh* it was all California. Something for my list when I visit SoCal again.
Yep I recognized that too. Also The Federal Bar in NoHo on Trivia Pub Night in Philly.
The gas station where Jim leaves Michael is the one right across the street from the Van Nuys Courthouse. The hot dog stand where he asks the guy to throw one away in his mouth is in Burbank.
is it the chevron station on Van Nuys Blvd?
The futuristic headquarters for Sabre (also where Christian Slater filmed the company promo) is located at 1 Baxter Way, Westlake Village, CA 91362.
Wow thank you! Been searching online everywhere for this. Watching The Orville, and they used the same building.
Ryan’s college was filmed at Cal State Northridge. You can even recreate the scene where Michael intercepts a frisbee from college students.
The inside of The Sabre offices looks a lot like the Topanga Mall but I’m not too sure about that.
Dunder mufflin is on Saticoy street….Charles Minor worked for “Saticoy steel”
This was my favorite little tidbit too!!
We actually did this tour yesterday and tried to go to the Detroit Coney Island Chili Dogs place Jim and Pam went to after “the dinner party” but it’s closed now. It was still fun to see all the locations though.
I love the office, I binge watch it regularly and never grow tired. Wow. This is an amazing site! Thank you for the insightful look into the world of Dunder Mifflin and the fine ensemble who inhabit that realm!
Any idea where Dwight’s bachelor party dinner was filmed?
I think it was filmed at the Lawry’s restaurant – Tam o’ Shanter.
Anybody ever notice that the clown painting in Jim and pams house that Jim says is not removable ends up at the dunder Mifflin yard sale
Does anyone know where the Scantron picnic day at the end of Season 5 was filmed?
Dunder Mifflin Company picnic was filmed at Calamigos Ranch in Malibu
The scene where Dwight throws the milkshake at the drive thru was filmed in Eagle Rock, CA 90041 at Pete’s Burger.
The scene where Dwight throws the milkshake at the drive thru was filmed in Eagle Rock, CA 90041 at Pete’s Burger.
Does anyone know where the houses are that are shown during the theme song are at?
As you’re driving into Scranton on the Central Scranton Expressway after exiting 81 North, those houses are on your left about half a mile off the exit.
Sorry… on the right.
The scene in the episode “ultimatum” where Dwight, Andy, and Darryl go to the ice skating rink is located at 18140 Parthenia St, Northridge, CA 91325 called Northridge Skateland, which is still open and looks the same. The strip club Dwight goes to right across from it is also there, but is now an empty building for lease. The structure is still the same though.
Thanks for the tip! (I think you mean rollerskating rink.)
I love the office .I live in Wilkes Barre Pa which is about 15 minutes north of Scranton. The show scenes looked so real I actually thought for awhile it was filmed in Scranton they did a great job.
I did some research and figured out that the Gettysburgh episode was shot at Woodley Park. Here is the location where they get off the bus. The amphitheater where Gabe performs as Abraham Lincoln is behind there.
I did some research and figured out that the Gettysburgh episode was shot at Woodley Park. Here is the location where they get off the bus. The amphitheater where Gabe performs as Abraham Lincoln is behind there.
Exact 3D location on Google Maps – https://www.google.com/maps/dir/16709+Ashley+Oaks,+Encino,+CA/Woodley+Park+Archery+Range,+405+Freeway,+Van+Nuys,+CA+91411/@34.1794745,-118.4722172,52a,35y,270h,39.46t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2983b493f58a5:0x7f5b6e76324ee0d8!2m2!1d-118.4985078!2d34.1534415!1m5!1m1!1s0x80c2977b8c118617:0x322da6be1b4b60a4!2m2!1d-118.4732632!2d34.182236!3e2
Does anyone know where Dwight’s farm was filmed?
That big Disney lot I mentioned! The one where they film a ton of movies. Also, one of the most recent Office Ladies Pod eps goes into detail about his farm, it’s a great listen!
**the hospital pick up parking lot scene was in the legendary pictures parking lot on corner of buena vista and alameda in burbank (next to st josephs hospital)
**the skating rink when kevin had skin cancer was pickwick ice center (now owned by LA kings) in burbank on riverside drive
**the skating rink from threat level midnight was filmed in van nuys at a rink on calvert st
**beach games was filmed at lake casitas in ojai.
I grew up in burbank so the streets look so familiar .. I know they filmed a lot in toluca lake, north hollywood, studio city and sherman oaks (close to NBC). Love this show so much!
Beach Games was actually filmed at the Hansen Dam recreation area near Sylmar (this one I know as I was on set when the episode was being shot…I worked on the series for a season and even own Phyllis’s desk!)
schrute farms is in santa clarita area on property owned by disney
it looked like company picnic was filmed at calimigos ranch in agoura hills off kanan road near mulholland
the scene where dwight fires off a bazooka was on las virgenes road in calabasas ( very early in the morning)
their bachelor lunch with the stripper looked like it was filmed at the smokehouse restaurant across from warner bros studios (been there forever)
That’s where Kobe Died 🙁
Who cares about that rapist
I watched the first 7 seasons, then stopped when Michael left. Because of the pandemic, I have binge-watched every show from season 6 to the finale last night. I am not too manly to admit a couple of tears from the wedding, especially when Michael showed up, and for Erin when she met her mother.
Thanks ladies for a wonderful virtual tour, and I will be going to visit Dunder-Mifflin very soon I just need to buy my mustard-colored short-sleeve dress shirt, and I’m ready!
Does anyone know the diner where Michael and Pam eat after they do the presentation in Holly’s location
Enjoyed your page. The lady who dresses up like jim looks like pam!
I live in florida, but im originally from pennsylvania, closer to philly. I was going to drive to scranton to visit the sites until i started researching and learned most of it was in california. I miss this show so much, yeppers. What did i tell you about yeppers, yesh 🙁
Dave Wallace’s house on Louise Ave. has been demolished. Just drove by yesterday.
Thanks for all the locations!
Nooooo really??? Dang that’s a big house to demolish
Dwight told them the foundation was bad lol.
David’s house is actually in pasadena
5,000 sq feet to be precise ; )
The daycare where jim walks in on the man using the restroom is actually PeekABoo in Eagle Rock
Did I miss where were studios where inside scenes where filmed after the first season?
You forgot to preface this with “Actually.”
where is Robert Californias house located?
I’m sorry I’m not sure! BUT I’m sure Jenna & Angela will mention it on their podcast whenever they get to that season – maybe next year lol?
Where is the church that’s located in the open credit scene
The church that’s in the opening scene where is it located
I’m not sure if it was an important enough location to warrant trying to find it, but any idea where the Florida Sabre store was filmed? I work in the industry and love trying to find tv show locations but that’s one of the few I haven’t been able to identify
My work commute takes me by the Disney Ranch off of the 14 freeway in Newhall, never realized it was the home of Schrute Farms! The place is now sacred to me.
The donut shop where Roy and Pam talked after Roy got fired is The Hungry Fox: 13359 Sherman Way in North Hollywood.
In the episode featuring the dinner party at Michael’s, where Pam didn’t eat, and they then went for hamburgers, was shot in Reseda. Northwest corner of Reseda and Saticoy. The stand was an original Pup n Taco, now long closed but still standing.
Shares lot with a closed down carwash. And lot is now fenced off.
Does anyone know where the gas station that Jim proposed to Pam is?
Lauren, that gas station, including the highway in front of it, was a set built specifically for that scene, not a real gas station, which is pretty insane imo.
That is insane because it looks exactly like the gas station/rest stop at my exit on the Merritt Parkway in Fairfield, Ct.
I want to egg axelrod Ltd! Anyone know where it’s at?
I have several in valencia,CA if you need them. Message me if you want to exact scene but theres a nail salon ( i can get the name if anyone wants it. The hyatt hotel lobby bar in valencia was suppose to be Tallahassee. Marstons restaurant in valencia scene with jim , pam, camera crew guy. Olive terrace in valencia theres a scene with michael and andy . Also the ice hockey rink the valencia ice station.
Does anyone know where Prince Paper was located?
Okay… the Launch Party sushi restaurant interiors for S4… was that Tao? We had my company Christmas party there a few years ago (NYC location) and it looked familiar.
I am curious about the lake Michael Scott drove into. I could not find a possible entrance through real life Scranton Lake according to Google Map.
Malibu Lake, a couple miles west of the outdoor filming location for M*A*SH
The start off on Sterling Center Drive in Westlake Village.
They start off on Sterling Center Drive in Westlake Village.
I thought I heard somewhere that the Benihana that Michael, Andy, and Dwight go to on “A Benihana Christmas” is located in Ontario, CA, which is way east of L.A. and even further from the valley. Anyone know if this is true?
Thank you for sharing all this info! I’m curious about where the episode about Aunt Shirley’s farm (The Farm) was shot.
I’m guessing on that disney lot, it sounds like they used it a lot for farm things!
I always wanted to know where they shot the BBQ scenes at Jim’s place in Email Surveillance episode. I know they ladies talk about it in their podcast but they don’t mention where it was.
The house that Erin moved into (to assist the older lady) while in FL, is actually around the corner to the left rear side of the studio building on Saticoy! You can see the office building from the back yard.
I sure hope they aren’t woke. How the hell can you be part of the woke cancel culture and still support a show that would never be made today due to woke BS?
David Wallace’s house is not on Louise…it is at 1485 Lomita Drive in Pasadena….
Thank you Brian G.! I was wondering about that location as I’ved lived in Tallahassee, FL and didnt recognize the trees or the street layout as being from that region. Good info!
I’m curious if anyone knows where Lavernes pie stand is really located at? I mean The real location from the work bus episode at the end?
The bar called “The Woodsman” while Micheal, Andy and Oscar were in Montreal is actually Seven Grand in DTLA.
Curious to know where the bookstore is from The Ultimatum episode. It looks very familiar. Is it a Barnes and Noble?
That was the Northridge Borders before it closed. At the Northridge Fashion Center.
Where is the adult store scene from Benjamin Franklin filmed?
No one ever mentions Andy’s Play from season 7. I use to manage the theatre that’s still there today. 1367 N St. Andrew’s Place off of Sunset in Hollywood. There are occasionally public events to be able to go inside, otherwise it’s closed to the public. But you can also rent the space! And I own the piano Darrel plays (and some props left behind by the studio). Not bragging, just excited.
I’m totally obsessed with The Office and reading this post was like a dream come true! I’m definitely going to have to plan a road trip to visit all these filming locations. Dunder Mifflin’s parking lot is at the top of my list – I can already imagine the awkward small talk with the cameras!
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