So, you saw a FabFitFun box on your favorite YouTuber’s or Instagrammer’s feed but wondering: is it actually worth the hype?
I’ve been asking myself that question for years as well. I haven’t been able to find many reviews on FabFitFun that WEREN’T sponsored or gifted so I decided it was time to try them out and share the honest truth about FabFitFun subscriptions. In this post, I’ll be sharing what’s in a box, how this company works and if it’s actually worth it or not.
FabFitFun Review: Unsponsored Look Inside A Box + Honest Thoughts!
>> Got a question about FabFitFun that you need answered quickly? DM me on Instagram @thewhimsysoul and I’ll be happy to help!
FabFitFun Review 2022: First Impressions
I’ve been reviewing products as part of my “Saw It On Social” series for a while now but haven’t done any subscription boxes yet. In my former life, I actually worked at a meal subscription company so it was fun to purchase this subscription box and review it.
I ordered my first box (a FabFitFun Spring 2020 box) last week and receive it within 5 days, which is really impressive especially considering we’re in the middle of a pandemic right now. (I think I happened to time my order just perfectly for their Spring 2020 box shipping!) It was a nice treat yo’ self-gift during all this chaos.
I opened it up like 5 minutes after it came, and for the first time on camera in my YouTube video. You can watch my video to see my first impressions of all the items! (Or keep reading!)
How Much Is A FabFitFun Box?
FabFitFun boxes are $49.99 per box on a quarterly subscription or $179 if you choose to sign up for a whole year (which is 4 boxes.)
FabFitFun guarantees each box is full of at least $200 worth of products. And they’re all full-size products, too! I love getting Birchbox but their stuff is usually sample sizes, so it’s a much better deal with this box.
Are All The FabFitFun Boxes The Same?
No. I watched some other FabFitFun reviews on the “FabFitFun Spring 2020 Box” to confirm and other people had different items in their boxes.
What’s in your box is totally tailored to YOU and what the company thinks you’ll love. When you sign up for a box, you fill out a survey that walks you through your fitness routine, skincare needs, hair care type, etc. It also asks you things like what color of the jewelry you wear so they can send you stuff you’ll actually like.
There are customization options, too. There are levels to the options and select members on the yearly plans get more options. They are basically rewarded with the choice to really tailor their box how they want it (more on if customization is worth it later on in this post!)
Since this was my first box, I just let FabFitFun team pick out what to put in my box and not opt for any of the customization options. I was curious about what comes in a standard box!
Note: if you are hoping to customize your box, make sure to do so quickly when it’s available! I watch another FabFitFun review on YouTube and the girl as chatting about how by the time she logged in to customize, the stuff she wanted was already gone.
So, What’s In Your FabFitFun Box?
Alright, this is what came in my box:
- DONNI. Ribbed Sweater Coat: Retail $99
- Amber Sceats Double Coin Necklace: Retail $50
- Skindinavia The Makeup Finishing Spray: Retail $29
- Chic & Tonic Set Of 4 Silicone Straws + Brush Cleaner & Case: Retail: $15
- Murad Rapid Collagen Infusion: Retail $78
- Aria Beauty Luxe Detangling Electroplated Brush: Retail $35
- This Works Deep Sleep Body Cocoon: Retail $40
- Winky Lux Rainbow Lip Balm: Retail $18
I’m not going to lie: there’s fewer items in this box than I thought there would be. The box is SO BIG compared to the small amount of space all the products took up. It always looks more full on camera. That being said, the value of the FabFitFun Spring 2020 box is $364 so that’s a great deal for only paying $50 for.
What Were Your Favorite Things In Your FabFitFun Box?
I’m most excited about the makeup setting spray since I ran out weeks ago on my last bottle and keep forgetting to order more. I’m not brand loyal to setting spray so I’m happy to use this (it’s a large bottle, too!)
I’m also excited about the sweater. We’re in quartine right now and I’m ALLL about those cozy vibes so I’m happy to take on more soft things to wear. On the same train of thought, I think the Winky Lux lip balm is kind of the perfect subtle shade of cheek & lip color to wear at home, so I’ll probably use that up this month.
Lastly, the hairbrush! I’ve been meaning to swap out my old for a new one, so this is great timing. BUT, that was just luck. Every woman already owns a hairbrush so I have a feeling it’s not a favorite item for many people getting this box. That leads me to the next segment….
What Were Your Least Favorite Things In Your FabFitFun Box?
I’d say the reusable straws are pointless for me. I rarely use straws to begin with and ask waiters to not give them to me when we’re out and about, so I don’t think I’ll be using them at all.
It’s also hard to tell on some of the other items, like the Murad Rapid Collagen Infusion or This Works Deep Sleep Body Cocoon lotion. Those products will take a few tries to use. I’ll keep you updated here on if I love them or not!
I like the gold necklace a LOT but I’m really hooked to my Gorjana layering sets and wear them 24/7 so I’m not looking to switch those out right now, but hey in a week I may feel differently and be happy to have a new layering set of dainty gold necklaces on hand. That’s just a personal thing.
Lastly, I really didn’t like getting promo flyers in the box (ie: promos for HelloFresh, etc). I know that’s one of the ways FabFitFun makes money but I see it as a huge waste of paper. On that note, I feel like the boxes could be smaller and use less packaging waste. There’s a LOT of excess packaging and plastic in here.
I searched online and couldn’t find an answer on if FabFitFun has any zero waste measures or greener packaging, so I think the answer is no. (Correct me if I’m wrong.) I would love to see them used recycled or biodegradable materials or have some sort of zero waste program in place in the future.
Is FabFitFun Worth It?
Overall, yes, it’s worth it in the sense that I know I’ll use enough products regularly to offset the cost.
What I mean by that is, I know I’ll be wearing that sweater + lip balm a lot during quarantine, and I needed a new hairbrush and a new makeup setting spray so that right there is over $150 value that I just paid $50 for.
But, there is that risk. What if I didn’t need a new hairbrush or a new sweater? What if I was completely set on my makeup? That’s when I realized the importance of being able to customize your box if you can. It’s to make sure you are sent enough products to make the box worth it.
So, yes, it’s worth it if you are on the hunt for a little surprise box of goodies sent to you as a treat yo’ self-gift, BUT I highly encourage you to customize your FabFitFun box if given to chance to make sure it’s what you want. I’ll be signing up for more boxes this year because I really enjoyed this experience.
PS: I think these would be great gifts, especially during the holidays!
Keep in mind there are plenty of niche boxes. There’s coffee boxes, books, ones for dogs, theres even a fitness subscription box out there to check out. It’s all about finding what’s best for YOU!
I haven’t received more than one box, so I can only report on what came in this one. I also haven’t had to deal with customer service yet – if you are reading this and have interacted with FabFitFun customer service before (good or bad) I’d love to hear your thoughts below so everyone can see!
I hope my FabFitFun reviews helps you decide if it’s for you or not! If you have any tips to add, please drop a comment below so everyone can see! And if you have questions, comment or DM me on Instagram @thewhimsysoul and I’ll be happy to help!
Stay fabulous.
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Video Transcript
(for my hard of hearing & special needs readers – I know I talk fast!)
Kara: (00:00)
Hi, welcome back to Whimsy Soul, another episode of Saw It On Social, where I review the products, in ads or influencer feeds and give you the honest tea. I’m reviewing FabFitFun!
Kara: (00:16)
I haven’t seen this box everywhere for years and I have never pulled the trigger and tried it yet. So I thought now in quarantine is the perfect time to finally test this box out. I feel like every former bachelorette star has done a partnership with that, that fun, that in sugar bear hair. I’ve also seen a lot of fellow influencers do gifted partnerships with these guys and I haven’t really found very many good reviews that are totally unsponsored or on gifted, um, at all. So I thought, Hey, this time to finally do one as part of this series, you know, there’s a very good chance that I’m going to call it that fun a lot in this video. I just wanted to get that out of the way real quick and apologize in advance. You don’t need to comment about it below. So this came in the mail.
Kara: (01:00)
Um, and then I started opening up cause I was so excited and then I had to stop myself and I put it all back because I wanted to capture my first impressions on camera for you. So we’re just going to pretend like I haven’t opened this yet even though I have this like slight peek inside. If I box right here is the spring of 2020 box button is a quarterly box subscription so they only mail out four times a year every season and this is their spring box. This box is 49 99 that’s at an individual level. If you decide to get a whole year of fat, that fund that’s going to be 179 slash one 80 let’s just round things up. It’s easier. You could save about $20 if you choose to do the whole year instead of just buying boxes all at card day.
Kara: (01:41)
There are some benefits for doing the year loose description that’ll talk about at the end of this video, I think it is time to dive into this beautiful Bach. Oh well no. As you saw flight out of there, these are the first things that you’re going to see on your box. So there’s this little magazine that my first reaction after seeing all this was, damn, that’s a lot of paper waste that’s going to go right into the recycling bin. So, um, I was a little disappointed to be greeted by that. I did realize afterwards that on like once read of this magazine, it tells you like all the products that are in the box that you could possibly get on their price points, which is nice. But also there’s all these other articles that I’m going to be honest with you. I’m not going to read.
Kara: (02:27)
Other things that came in here are promotional flyers and it’s just my pet peeve when I buy something from a store and they sneak these in. If you did want to have a coupon for hello fresh, there you go. All right now to the actual box. So here’s all the stuff that came in. You could have this really nice presentation when you open it. Um, and it’s just like a super fun, like little gift to yourself, Xbox. Totally does that good job of kind of mimicking how you open up a present on Christmas morning. It’s just fun. It’s like a nice little treat for yourself. All right, so let’s start digging into what’s in this box. You know what, before I tell you what’s in the box, I forgot to mention that I didn’t customize this at all whatsoever. When you sign up for a fifth, that fun, God, I did it again, that that button box I have to fill out a little survey and it kind of walks you through like your hair type, your skin type.
Kara: (03:18)
The survey tries to get to know what you like best. So when it comes time to pick what items are available to send in a box, it can kind of give you what you might like the best. I got the option to pick like one thing. Um, I chose to waive that because I thought it would be just more interesting to see what the team just puts together in a standard box. Okay. The first thing that came is this gold? Nope. It’s upside down. This is cool necklace that um, by Amber skeets which I think is super pretty. I’m into a layering necklaces recently as you can tell. Um, so this definitely is like fitting my current jam though I will say I really dig my George on a necklace set that I’m wearing. I haven’t taken it off for like two weeks, so I’m not necessarily looking for a new set at the moment, but I have been into this style lately.
Kara: (04:11)
So I would say at some point this year I’ll probably throw these guys on. All right. Next up is this Aria beauty hairbrush that is like a detangling Lux. Hairbrush has a nice color to it. $35. I will say I will be using this only because I happened to be in need of a new hairbrush. I have had my hairbrush that kind of looks like this for 10 years maybe and it’s starting to get to the end of its life. So I have been, um, on the back of my mind interested in remembering to pick up a new hairbrush. So now I don’t have to, I did get sent this. I will say at the end of this video, I’m going to be talking about the things I don’t like about this box, but I will touch on that briefly right now is that, um, I think for most women you already have your hairbrush that you like a lot.
Kara: (04:59)
So this might be kind of like a pointless item for a lot of people. I happen to enjoy it just because I had that need at this very specific moment, but not everyone is going to want this. So I think if you get your customization options and you don’t need a hairbrush, swap that out. Next up is, I’m going to say this wrong. You guys, skin DDA, Avia Escanaba I’m sure you guys will correct me in the comments below. This is a makeup setting. Spray doesn’t really have much of a scent, which is fine. I guess it’s a makeup setting spray. Um, so I have never heard of this brand before. This is a, um, oil-free paraben-free makeup setting spray. Um, this is $29 a retail value right here. You know, I do had, I was using a makeup setting spray and it, um, ran out a while ago and I haven’t bought a new one, so I will be using this, you know, probably regularly because I ran out of my old spray.
Kara: (05:56)
I’m not brand loyal to a makeup setting spray, so I’m happy to try this one out. Next up is this myriad collagen infusion. Oh, this is a $78 beauty thing right here. You know, I am curious about this because I take college and like orally, I have it in powders that I put in my coffee in the morning. I don’t think I’ve actually ever tried like a college and serum before. So it’ll be interesting to see how this goes for people. I’m familiar with collagen. It’s kind of like an anti-aging thing. It’s something your body produces, so as you get older, your body stops producing it. Um, and if you can replenish it, it helps keep your skin from your like nails and hair growing and all of that stuff. So it’s really handy, like beauty tool for people of all ages. I’ve decided that I’m, I’m making myself and my husband start taking it now.
Kara: (06:49)
Fun fact, I learned from my college roommate who studied anthropology is your body starts preparing for death at age 28 just let that sink in there. So I decided I’m 28 it’s time to start taking more college in and just start doing a lot of preventative measures. I am intrigued by this, but then again, I can’t say if this is going to be something I like or not because I haven’t had a chance to use it yet. This is probably gonna take a few weeks of testing. I hadn’t mentioned this before, but I have a blog post below where I will be linking all these products and I’ll keep you updated on how some of these things went like this over time. All right, next up we have these reusable straws, you know, reusable things. Reusable straws are like such the rage right now. I feel like all of the school girls are trying to save those turtles with reusable straws.
Kara: (07:37)
So these are like fun and colorful as you can tell. I like color actually kind of like compliments my outfit very nicely. Oh. And it comes with like a cute little acute little carrying case that matches my scratch. These are $15 and I’m not sure how that works. Okay. Thank you. Rule it up. Okay. Let’s kinda cute. I guess you’re supposed to carry this around with you. I’m going to be honest. I’m probably not going to use these. I just don’t use straws much at all. Like when we’re out to eat, I’ll just tell the waiter not to bring me a straw. It’s kind of a pointless product for me. It doesn’t fit my lifestyle. Um, I’m not gonna use it. Um, this is cute. If you’ve been looking for like a sustainable straw option, but it’s just not my cup of tea. Next up is another beauty thing.
Kara: (08:24)
It is a deep sleep body cocoon lotion that is a multitasking sleep savvier. I don’t know if that is for better nights and brighter mornings. Um, so it says that you’re supposed to, this helps support sleep, smells like lavender. Let’s smell this bad boy out. Ooh. Smells very lavender. Lavender re um, this one is $40. Smells nice and this is one of those that I’m not going to be able to tell you right now how I really feel about it because I’m going to have to try this out over the next couple of weeks. I think I’ll keep this next to my bed and I’ll put it on when I remember at night and see if it helps me sleep better. Um, I having having insomnia a lot lately because of this whole quarantine thing. I, my whole schedule is just thrown off of stress and everything.
Kara: (09:14)
So maybe this’ll help. I have a feeling now that it’s not, it’s a really nice concept, but I’m a big believer in melatonin. I’m not convinced that a lightly scented hand lotion will put me to sleep, but we’ll see. That’s something I will keep you updated on. All right. Next up is this little cute colorful box from a brand called Winky Lux. This is $18. This is a lip balm that also has P H activating things in it. There you go. Camera finally zoomed in on that. As you can see it has different colors here. I believe the blue part is the pH balance. So I’m, it’s a lightly tinted balm that I think activates with your pH to kind of make a custom color if I’m understanding that correctly. Okay. So it has like a very subtle pink look. It also says it’s a cheek bomb.
Kara: (10:10)
Let’s rub that in there. I mean it’s cute. It’s fun. You know, I kind of like this little cheek bomb thing. The color is not very intense, but um, maybe if you don’t like intense colors and that’s good for you. I will say this is probably perfect for people working at home because it’s light and mild be something I’ll wear around the house because we’re all quarantine and working from home. It’s like a nice subtle bit of color, not too intense. Last stuck stuff stuck to that. Um, last not least is the sweater from Donny. It is a nice little part. Again, I was really hoping that this would be like a PJ set or something I’ve been into not putting on real clothes, but you know, we’re all lounging. I think this is gonna be a nice little loungewear. It’s going to look terrible over this chunky sweater.
Kara: (11:00)
I apologize, but okay. I can definitely wrap myself up in that. So this is $100 cardigan. I probably wouldn’t have spot this on my own because it’s a hundred dollar basic cardigan. If I’m going to be spending $100 on something, it’s probably gonna be like a little higher quality. Um, but you know, it’s company. I didn’t spend $100 on it. I paid $50 for this box and got other stuff with it. So because of that, I like it. And they will be using this during quarantine because I’m just all about lounging on my couch and just writing this thing out. So that’s everything that came in my box and this is what’s left. So I’m going to talk real quick about what I don’t like about the box and I’m going to talk about, um, if it was worth it or not. So, uh, what I don’t like about this box is like, look how big it is and look at how much packaging weight.
Kara: (11:54)
I did look it up and um, I couldn’t find a good answer about if they use biodegradable, like plastics and stuff. I see recycle symbols on here. So the material is recyclable. I don’t know if this is like Virgin paper or not. So, um, I guess I would like to see some more transparency on the packaging materials. That’s like, what I don’t like is just like all the packaging waste. Is that fun worth it? Um, I’m going to break this down in like two ways. So I added up the, um, retail cost of all of these products and it’s around like $350. So, um, in that sense, yes, I paid $50, but got $350 worth of things. I’m not thrilled about all the things that came in here for like example, I’m never going to use these. I’m trying to actively think of people I can like Palm us off on because I’m just not gonna use them.
Kara: (12:46)
Um, for the things that I’m going to use actively, like the sweater I’m going to be wearing, uh, the hairbrush, I needed the makeup spray, I’ll use, uh, the lip balm. Like I, it’s cute. I will use that right now. So, you know, that’s about $150 worth of things that, um, I will actively use on a regular basis. So, um, yeah, in that sense I, uh, it is worth it. I got $150 worth things that I want or need just for $50, but there’s that big if on some of the other things, like I don’t know if this is going to be worth it. I’m pretty skeptical about this. Um, same with the collagen cream. Maybe that’s going to be amazing. Maybe it, well, I have to try that out. So time will tell on that. I think that’s the major flaw of fab fun is there’s a huge risk on how much you’re actually going to like a product and use it.
Kara: (13:39)
I think it’s super fun having something sent to you. Like, especially during dark days like this, when you just need to have a little bit of like joy and uplifting. If you can spend that extra $50 or $200 a year, if you have a disposable income, it’s super fun. It is. But there is that big risk of if you’re actually going to be able to get sent enough products that you like and regularly used to offset the cost of the box. And that is why customization is important, which I learned after this whole experience. So that’s why, uh, upgrading to the yearly subscription where you get your customizable options might be worth it. If you are like really excited about this concept. Um, I would say just lurch for the full hundred and $80. Get the whole year and be able to customize your stuff because um, yeah, it would’ve been a bummer if I got sent stuff I didn’t like.
Kara: (14:31)
All right, so that is it. That is my fat fund box review. Um, if you have any more questions, drop them below and I’ll make sure to answer you. You can always DM me on Instagram as well. I post over there every single day and they read every DM. So if there’s anything else I can answer for you, please let me know. I’m happy to help you out. I’m know if you have bought a box from that, that fun before, and for some reason you’re watching this review video and you have additional thoughts to share, additional hacks, anything. Maybe you’ve dealt with customer service before and can touch on that. I haven’t like talked to customer service yet, so I don’t know what that experience is like. Please leave a comment below so everyone can see. Let’s get a conversation going. And of course if you have brands, you want me to review it for my saw on social serious, let me know below. I am stuck in and I have a lot of time on my hands, so I’m happy to do pretty much anything that anyone suggest right now. And that’s it. You know the drill. Subscribe, hit that notification button so you don’t miss future videos. Follow me on Instagram and I hope to see you around the community
I loved your honest take on the FabFitFun box! It’s refreshing to see a review that’s not just about the surface-level products but also dives into overall value and experience. I appreciate the details you provided, especially about the seasonal themes and variety of items. It really helps in deciding if it’s worth the investment. Thanks for sharing!
I loved your honest take on the FabFitFun box! It’s refreshing to see an unsponsored review that discusses both the hits and misses. I’m considering subscribing, but I appreciate your insights on value for money. Your detailed descriptions of the items really helped! Thanks for sharing!
I loved reading your review of the FabFitFun box! It’s refreshing to see an honest, unsponsored perspective. Your breakdown of the items and thoughts on the value really helped me decide if I want to give it a try. Looking forward to more of your reviews!
Thanks for this honest review! I love how you went into detail about the products and your genuine thoughts. It really helped me decide if FabFitFun is worth trying. Looking forward to your next post!