TikTok: the cool kid on the social media playground.
Especially right now during quarantine, everyone and their mothers (literally, I see so many moms and grandmas on the app these days) are trying to get TikTok famous. TikTok works so differently than other platforms, like Instagram, that it can be hard to know where to start.
In this post I’m sharing how I get a video to earn over 1.6 million views, how I earned 10k new TikTok followers overnight and tips for getting your videos to go viral. Keep reading! (Note: this post has been updated for 2021 best practices)
How I Got 10k TikTok Followers Overnight: 11 Hacks To Rapidly Grow Your Following On TikTok
>> Got a question about TikTok that you need answered quickly? DM me on Instagram @thewhimsysoul or on TikTok @whimsysoul and I’ll be happy to help!
Introductions first! Hi, My name is Kara and my life is prettttty crazy. (If you get that reference, I love you. Also, you’re OG enough you probably don’t need TikTok tips.)
All jokes aside, I’ve been blogging here at Whimsy Soul for over 5 years. We have over 80,000 followers on Instagram, over 400,000 people read whimsysoul.com each month and running this content business is my full time job ( I’ve even hired my husband!)
You don’t need a million followers to create full time, and I love showing others how they can grow on social media, too.
I have about 14k TikTok followers at the time of writing this article. Most of them came almost overnight when one of my videos went mega-viral and got 1.6 millions views. I haven’t got a video go that viral since, but I have figured out how to steadily grow a consistent stream of new TikTok followers & I’m sharing my tips in this post!
So, you’re trying to figure out how to get more likes on TikTok and more followers on TikTok? Keep reading my hacks!
- Update: I now have over 300,000 followers on TikTok using the tips I chat about below!
1. Good Lighting On Your Videos
Quality lighting on your videos is KEY! Why? TikTok needs to know your video is safe for people to view, aka not porn. When you film your video in a dark room, the machine has a hard time figuring out what your video is about.
TBD I get most of my good video ideas late at night after a couple of drinks. Instead of filming them at night, I write them down and film videos during the day in a bright room. You don’t need a rim light, but they help. This one is my recommended rim light that’s affordable.
2. Use Recommended & Trending Songs On Your TikToks
So, you made your video in good light. The next step is to use a trending song (obviously unless your audio is original or video idea is specific to some other sound.)
Here’s why it’s smart to use trending songs: in short, TikTok is a bit rigged to promote videos using trending songs. TikTok low-key rules the music industry. Just take a look at the Top 100 Songs of the week lists. Many of the top songs are ones that are super popular on TikTok.
It’s not a coincidence. TikTok frequently has deals with record labels to push artist’s songs in the app to increase that song’s sales and increase the chances that song will reach top charts.
How do you know what songs are trending? When you make your video, simply use one of the recommended songs that the app suggests. It’s easy as that! You can also help yourself by saving sounds you find on your FYP that you notice come up a lot and make sure to use those in your videos.
I promise that by using trending songs you can increase from 100 TikTok followers to 1000 TikTok followers pretty fast. ♬ original sounds are good to use, too!
3. Use Trending Hashtags In Your TikTok Captions
Again, the smarter your hashtags are, the more TikTok likes and views your videos will earn. On top of working with record labels, TikTok frequently partners with brands and those campaigns are always anchored around a hashtag and audio. If you use that hashtag, your video has a higher chance of being pushed on more people’s For You Page during the length of the campaign.
Example: remember that “Eyes Lip Face” audio from a few months ago with E.L.F Cosmetics? That was a TikTok campaign.
You can find trending hashtags via the in-app hashtag suggestion tool. You find this when you are in the caption stage. Simply hit the # and suggestions will pop up. Use those suggestions!
4. Jump On Trends, But With A Twist
AKA, do that trending dance or trending video concept, but put a spin on it to make it your own. If you are a small creator, you need to mix the trending videos with new content.
For example, last fall there was a trend around “I can take your man if I want to” where hot girls flaunted for the camera. I took that trend, but did a MASSIVE twist at the end that was 100% original but also funny.
This video got over 1.7 MILLION views and is the reason my account blew up overnight with 10,000 TikTok followers.
@whimsysoulHope nobody has done this yet… ##takeyourman ##fyp♬ Take Your Man – Mahogany LOX
5. Post At Ideal Times
Just like with any social media platform, posting at ideal times helps. It’s not as important as with Instagram, but posting at times when more users are on the app can help your videos get more views quicker, which leads to more TikTok followers.
I suggest posting early in the morning, mid-afternoon, or late at night as these are times that people tend to be looking at their phones more (morning commutes, afternoon lulls, on the couch, etc.)
This requires a bit of playing around with on your part. Social media services don’t yet have good tools for predicting ideal posting times.
Thankfully, Tiktok services built into the app does include some insights on when YOUR audience is active. Post when your Tiktok fans are on the app!
6. Don’t Delete Your TikTok Videos
Here’s the thing: not every video I post does well right away. Some totally flop… but do you know what? It’s not uncommon for a video I posted a few weeks ago to suddenly hit the FYP page on a mass scale and go viral all on its own.
That’s why it’s important to never delete videos from your TikTok account. For example, I posted this video of re-potting a plant that got about 1,000 views on the first day and stalled.
BUT, about 2 weeks later it started trending again and it earned me 4,000 new views and around 80 new followers.
@whimsysoulHow i never pay for new plants (or new pots!) ##upcycle ##plants ##reallifeathome ##bohochic ##plantlover ##gardening♬ Knock Knock Let Em In – Trey Traylor
You never know if a video is going to hit people’s FYP again, so don’t delete content! Tik Tok isn’t like other social media platforms where you can delete old stuff and nobody will notice. You can easily earn more Tiktok views on your old stuff.
7. Have A Good Profile Bio
Make sure your TikTok profile looks approachable & fun so you can earn more new followers who tap over to look at your profile.
If your bio is boring, feels stiff or makes it seem like you are trying too hard, you may not earn as many followers as if you have a good bio. Don’t just copy over what you have on Instagram into TikTok, craft something new! Your bio can be funny or relatable. The best bios have some sort of call to action (like: follow for fluffy cat content.)
You can even use a company like Linktree to make a landing page that displays tons of links at once. Let’s say you post a lot of videos around your small business — this landing page can make it easy for your tik tok followers to find the product they want to buy!
8. Stitch!
TikTok launched a new feature called Stitch in late 2020 and it’s a great way to rapidly scale your following. Stitch is basically where you can use the first few seconds of another person’s video in your own video. Most people use it to share a story they have that’s similar to the original video or to expand on that topic.
Here’s an example of a video I stitched that got almost 700k views and still gets me, new followers, to this day! Because this is still a newish feature, TikTok is pushing Stitches in the FYP more than they are pushing regular videos. So go stitch! It’s a great way to add to conversations and get more clients or followers.
9. Have fun!!
At the end of the day, it’s important to use TikTok for fun. Really, if you are trying to figure out how to get TikTok famous perhaps the most important hack is to just be yourself. Be real, be raw, be YOU. Stop thinking so hard and make things off the cuff.
If you feel “old” or unconfident in your content, that shows through on video. Real tiktok followers want to see your quirkiness.
10. How To Grow Followers On TikTok With A Course
Lastly, if you feel like you’ve tried all these tips and it’s just not working, it may be time to take a course. There’s tons of courses on how to grow your account on TikTok all over.
Instead of paying hundreds of dollars to some random influencer who claimed to make it big and have all the secrets, I prefer to use Skillshare.
It’s affordable, courses are vetted and you have access to so many resources. They currently have over 2000 courses about how to grow TikTok and create content available for you to watch and learn!
11. Use TikTok Stories
Brand new in March 2022 are TikTok Stories! They have been testing this out for a while but finally rolled it out to everyone. TikTok is going to want to get users to use Stories so they will reward the TikTok users who are using them. Create content for them like you would for Instagram Stories or Instagram Reels!
You post a TikTok Story by using the “quick” setting and then tapping the Post The Stories button.
Update: a year later in April 2023, I think Stories are a way way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and in a more casual way. Use them! Build a strong community with them!
When In Doubt, Post Your Cat Or Dog
I mean, the people love pets. I get new TikTok followers every time I post a video featuring my cat. And most of those videos aren’t even good, I just think my cat is cute and so do other people I guess!
@whimsysoulI paid $40 to visit this flower field, this better not flop ? ##foryou ##doitfortiktok ##flowers♬ Midsummer Madness – 88RISING
How To Get Free Followers On TikTok
Umm, DON’T! It can be tempting to use a paid service to get more fans. When researching for this blog post, I was shocked at how many services there are now that advertise ” free TikTok followers ” and ” free TikTok likes ” (but for a price). Fake followers are not the answer for success. Buying TikTok followers is not the answer. You want real followers.
The easiest way to get free TokTok followers is to USE THE DANG APP and grow organically.
Seriously – TikTok is not Instagram. Followers don’t matter nearly as much as they do on Instagram because every video you publish makes it on someone’s FYP even if they don’t follow you. Of course, more followers = more likely your videos will get viewed by people, but someone doesn’t need to be following you to see your content in their home feeds.
So, it’s important to have TikTok followers for marketing purposes, but it’s not smart to buy your way to 100k followers with fake bots or fake user generated content engagement.
If sites are saying they can grow your TikTok follower count and give you 10000 TikTok followers free – they’re lying to you and will give you bots. Not real free TikTok fans — robots. Which are useless for you and your social media marketing goals. Yes, your tiktok followers count matters but using a bot tiktok followers generator ain’t it, boo.
Say no to Like to Buy, TikTok follower apps, ” free tiktok followers instantly ” gimmicks, buy content scams and other bogus social media marketing services. You don’t need fake social media promotion, not manner how good their customer support seems.
Using Fake Followers Won’t Get You Into The TikTok Creator Program
I know, I’m in it! They want TikTok creators who have original Tiktok content that resonates with their target audience. Just like everyone says, you can’t buy your way in.
Plus, how do you expect to get brand deals with fake followers? Brands don’t want to hire cheaters for their TikTok ads. If taking part in influencer marketing is one of your goals with TikTok and social media, this won’t help you. Digital marketing experts will be on to you!
@whimsyhomes The first 4 things I did to un-boomer my cabin. I can’t believe I found that many bears 🐻 #cabinmakeover #cabinglowup #homedecor #diyproject #paintingwalls #boomers #boomerdecor #whimsyhomes #ringcamera #homerenovation #knockdowntexture ♬ original sound – Whimsy Homes
This Is A Repeatable Formula For How To Get Tiktok Followers!
Since originally posting this blog post in 2020, I’ve bought a cabin in the mountains and started a new TikTok channel for all the cabin renovations and home stuff.
But using tips in this article, like clickbaity call the actions, including things I knew would spark emotion in people (like the green walls) and showing my face vs being anon really helped.
That first video I posted got over 200,000 views in 2 days and that account got 1k followers within the first week of launching. This was so helpful so I could put the link in bio feature!
So, if you’re trying to figure out how to get tiktok followers if you’re new, or how to grow TikTok even if you aren’t new to the app, these tips work!!
I hope this helps you learn some tips to get followers on TikTok and grow your account! Since using it, I’ve gotten more Instagram followers as a side effect, so using TikTok as a creator, influencer or brand is a smart marketing tactic.
If you have any tips to add on how to get more tiktok followers likes views or clients, leave a comment below so everyone can see!
I made a tik tok account for mashups only. Can you give me advice on how I can get more followers
My likes please grow my I’d Nam ?
I made a tik tok account for mashups only. Can you give me advice on how I can get more followers
Please give me a 2k followers:(
I would want to get 10k please not 100k
I tryed all these step for a year and i got some new follower ebur not a lot maybe i got like 10 new follower.
yes I want to grow my followers quickly 1.M
Pls 1k
mirza_hadi420. My id plase like follow
Hi its addison rae I hope you guys like this page you can grow yall followers
please give me 100k follower
Please give me a 2k followers
Please following me free
Plsss I want more followers
Wao amazing
My video for you piz
100k please
I need plaese
Give me 10k followers
Please following me
I’m going to be a famous tik tok
Plizz.for you plizz for you .tik tok.qadeer11222
Hy tik tok muja followers 10k pleass
Hi tiktok give me 50k followera
I want 10k
For you per le ao muje
plzzz give a trick About tiktok for for you page
Please give me 10k followers on tiktok
Plz follow me
I want likes 5000https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJSrgucK/in this one
Follows 10k
Plese give me youre support road to 10k like on tik tok
10k follower
Please give 10k followers
please give 10k follower
Onto palang Poh along follower
free follower
Can you give me 1k right now plz
Make my also like and follow 10k
Plese give me 1000k followrr
Please give me 10000k followers please
I want to grow my account
I want to be good
I want to grow my acount
Mughe 50 k like chaie
Please Follow tiktok.com/@johnny2hotty01
hello dear TikTok teams I work days and nights on video please Foryou page account grow and viral please one request accept🙏🙏💔
Hi tiktok give me 50k followers
Please follow me
Please follow me Haylee_and_alex9120
Yes I want more follower and like please
hy tiktok plz 100k follows
i want 10k pliz my tiktok is @murillojoahnna6 is my dream
5k like please
Can i get a 10k followers please??? forgive me please.
Can I get 10k followers plz forgive me
Please follow do mujhe me bohot mahenat karta hu koi like or koi follow ni aty p
try to make better beats and stuff idk lol
Can I plz get 10 to 100k followers I would really appreciate it thanks my TikTok username is @Jesus-is-king2127
hi my name on tiktok is faze_adamx
Hello tiktok team I need 500.k followers please please please Help Me
Hi tik toi Give me please 200k followers tik toi
Please give me 20k followers
Give me 500 followers and I will steal a toilet for devious lick
Saya mau like 10 k
pls I need 2.5million followers
Follow me on TikTok
And watch my video
Plese give me youre support road to 10k like on tik tok
i want 100k tiktok followers plz send tiktok followers on my tik tok id id nmae il z
Plz like me 1000k plz dai
IAM happy
This is a best app
I just started tiktok and I don’t know what to add in my bio
I whant 10k followers pleeeeees
I won’t to get 20000 followers
T want
Please I need 2k followers ???
IAM happy
Hi I created my TikTok account last month… Can I please get atleast 2000 followers
I need too much like and flowers.
Please help me to got 10k followers I’m a small tiktoker please help me
Congratulations very good
What about hi I’m new here can I please get a follow
plz 100B followers plzzzzzzz
I need followers on TikTok
Can I get 10k followers plz forgive me
10.k likes do plz
I need 1.0 million followers please help thank you and godbless
10 k
Love TikTok forever the best app
Very good
J’aimerais bien dit qu’elle abonner 10k
Can I get 10.k followers
avoir des abonnés s’il vous plaît
Hi I’m deaf pls follow to follows and heart to hearts ?
Enge 100k
Muja follows and harts to hearts pleass sent me
Guve me please 10k follower
Help me my tik tok account 10k followers
Pls follower
Please i want 2.0 M
I want 2 million too girl hahaha
je peux avoir des abonnés s’il vous plaît
Plz please follow my account 🙏😭
so much views
Plss give 10k followers
Thank you for this
Hi my user is cutiegrl1 … plsssss follow me i don’t have much followers pls. 🙁
I like this app thank u so much .this is too much good and use full app .I am so happy .thank u so much.
Hi I want to get likes on my tiktok video because no one seeing it
I’ve had a Twitter profile for years that I post to on occasion and can’t get past 39 followers. WTF. On Insta, where I have like 30 pictures I have like 400 follower, no idea why, and on FB I have just shy of 5,000.
Please increase my tiktok followers i want more follower please help
Add me queen.bee555
Hello, add my user on tiktok 0408joanne
Pease add me on tiktok. Binibiningmingming
add me : claire_cheurlin
Follower and like
Follow me on tiktok @hannah_kurta or @thecool.club
please make my many comment on tik tok
Make many like comment and followers
My name on tik tok is soniya dulal 4
i would be happy with 1000 followers :/
I want 1000 followers
i would be happy with 1000 followers :/
I want to get like and follow up on tiktok
I and my friend are really good dancer we are wanting to be influencers one day and we don’t know how to get our fuse up so I was wondering if you guys could follow us on Tik Tok (Cynthia_and_Kelsey) and YouTube (Cynthia and Kelsey) only if you want to
I want to viral on tiktok
i want 12 m plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Please give me 10k followers please please please
J love you so so much!!
You is my idol!!
I love you??❤️❤️
Please follow me!
I don’t like Charlidamelio I like youuu! ❤️❤️❤️
i want 1 million folliwers
lol same
Hi dear tiktok team please give me like flowers
Hey check Mine tiktok Itsmehoscar and Say what videospēļu should I rec or what should I Change to get On fyp
Please give 10k followers
I want
please give 10k follower
Malik waseem 3366 10k folvar
I need followers
And most likes plz
And most likes plz 10000????
Please help me to rich a 100k followers????
Please increase in 100k likes my tiktok videos and followers please
Please I really need it …..2000 followers ???
I need 2000 followers
Please I really need it …..2000 followers ???
Ineed 2000 followers
Followed 2.kplzzz
Umm well I sort of don’t get any views I don’t know how to make people look at my homepage.
you could like make funny or do trending tiktoks or just do reactions my tiktok is ybkslime check out my page i get a good amount of vies for how many followers i have
I always follow back done
I always follow back done
Thanks for sharing such an amazing blog. Keep up the good work and keep sharing such informative yet amazing stuff.
Hi tokuvai fans growth korum
tiktoker since 2017… still at 4.5k and used every tip here… even got a ring light for better lighting… this list needs an update because it is no longer working and i know people wont give away their secret to hitting 10k
Sweet 🥰 Salman
I want to grow as past as posible
100k please please please please
I want 10k followers
give me followers
So this is my user name on tiktok @Terryline13 I want this because my family think I will never be TikTok famous that why I want to show them God is possible in doing something for us thank you.
Follow and like my post plz
Plz Mam promote my tiktok account username @shamibaig_101 plz help me grow tiktok followers My tiktok account username @shamibaig_101 plz help
Please mam promote my tiktok account,my username is @noesuarez50 I want to grow tiktok please help me.
Please help me grow my tiktok account mam
Can I please have at least 2k followers on tik tok!!
I just want followers like you?
Guys follow me on Tik Tok
I’ll follow you back!!?
Did you keep your account personal or switch to Pro? If pro was it influencer?
i will love it if i get 1000k followers
Plizzz.for you plizzz for you plizzz
Thank you so much it was really helpful
i’m gonna try it soon
dr_ali007 (Its me)
Please get 2 k follower please help us
Please. Halp give me 2k follower
Plz give me 2k followers
So I’m at 1245 followers and those hacks aren’t working for me very well can you help me out?
My account is crunchy.apple._
Pls help me get to 1mil
plz grow my account plz plz pz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz growm my account
Danish sohail
Pls i need 10k followers am still a small tiktoker and i stated last 3 month my user name is kenry 24
Please may tiktok account 10k followers and like
Pls pls follow me on tiktok i will follow back user name kenry 24 pls guys am pleading
Pls mam promo my tiktok account user name kenry 24
How do i make interesting videos to get more likes and followers
Han likefollwer
To get more followers on TikTok join me in our grow community. We help each other get to where they want to be. @coachjulihoward
I will try and join ,but pls can you and your friends like and follow me on tiktok am lacking likes and followers My user name is kenry 24
please follow me @lil_jordandances and @chickenbits
Pls introduce me to people and tell them to follow me on tiktok i only have 12 followers my user name is kenry 24
Pls pls i need help what can i do to get lot of followers like you i have tried my best but i only have 12 pls like and follow me my user name is kenry 24 on tiktok
Hey my name is sorayah add me on tiktok sad._.quotes621
Please me I need 1M please
I need 1M followers please legit. Please
I want to grow my account plz 🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
give ma a 10000k follower.s like
Plz forYou
Plz ma i need 10k followers ASAP am loosen my followers kenry 24
I want to grow my account plz 🙏😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Which video should i make that will go viral
there are two kenry 24 my own is the one with videos the other one has no video
I just opened my tiktok….
I need more 2k followers
I needed to grow on tiktok
I need 10k followers pls on Tiktok kenry 24
10k like FOLLOWERS
Malik waseem 3366 10k like
can you follow me on tiktok guys :((
I have just 2000followers
But I don’t have likes and I need more followers
Wat should I do
I needed to grow on tiktok
Plz send me 50k likes
Pls followers me 100 K
mirza_hadi420. My id plase like follow
Pls follow me
My id please Followers and like
I want 2000k followers
Please 2k by the end of today my use name for tik Tom is .manngomelio please
i wnat 10k pliz my name on tiktok is @murillojohanna6
10k falwar
can i get mor to
can i get 10k kamariwatson_24
Hey dear how are you so I request you for folllower 100k need it please tell me please
realenglishspeaking786 it’s my I’d of
Please I just got started on tiktok, and I’m finding difficult to get followers..
Please follow @vanny_gurl
I would like to get to 10k as well so i can go live
Hi tiktok team my tiktok account has been frozen since last month so I want you guy to please give me one more chance to get my account unfreeze please I’m really shy whenever my freaks me about my tiktok followers it’s stuck in 4K since last month I really love the TIKTOK app I want you guys to please unfreeze my TIKTOK account id Is : n.m7r7
Y’all please help me go viral @maya_xoxo15
Great information About Tiktok & Tiktokers
Help me to hit 100k followers on tiktok
Please help me hit 100k followers on tiktok 🙏
My tiktok name @sofiapaulin
I want 10k my TikTok is kaylee_miller it will mean a lot to me if everyone who seen this follows me !!!
Follow me on TikTok please everyone my TikTok is @kaylee_miller
Plz me I would like at least 1000 but every time I post nothing blows up. I’m really trying my best, but nothing seems to work plz help me.
Sir my tiktok I’d no likes and no follower pls help me tiktok sir..
Sir my tik Tok account name malikramzan131 please check my account no view no like no flowers please help me please
100k follower need please help me
plssssssss help me my name on tiktok isinggat_ plssssssssssss
Can you plsszz give me 5000 followers plzzz
100k followers please
100k please followers
Can you give me 10k followers plsss
I want to grow my account and flowers
Please help me
100k please
Hi tiktok team please help me my account is freezing please unfreez my account gave me follower thank you my I’d @anwarltd
Please my tiktok account is grow and unfreez my account
My I’d name is parisolanki33 thank you so much🙈
hello.i am jam ishtiaq from Pakistan
i need 1m followers
Hy tiktok give me 100k followers and likes
Please follow and copy link! Thanks
Hi tik tok hope you good can I get 700k followers and likes please
Hi tik tok hope you good can I get 700k followers and likes please
add me on tik tok so i can get followers!!!
I want to get famous
I want to get famous
i currently have 1.4 mil on tiktok
I WANT TO GET A FAMOUS plsss help mee =(
I read this article. I think You put a great deal of exertion to make this article
follow me on tikok @ chris.nemeth help me get to 1k please it would mean the world to me 🙂
click on the link to get to my tiktok profile
I want a lot of likes and followers
I loved the way you broke everything down, it was really helpful thanks ❤️💯
It really helped.. thanks ❤️💯
So pretty🥰
can i have 3K?!
Give me 155.8 followers & 8B likes plz
100k follower
I didnt get any followers pls send me ASAP on my email and plz yall give me some follows
Please i don’t get followers or likes on tiktok…please can u help with followers and likes ….like 1k followers and 1.4k likes on my vedio
I need 35 followers 🥺
i need 10k followers
i need 10k followers please
I need 5k followers plz plz
Plzz I need 10 k follwer
Wao amazing
Please get me to 1k 😍
𝙸 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 1𝚖 𝚙𝚕𝚜 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜
I want to get famous and earn 1ok follower plzzzz give me followers
Plz grow my account
__official__dhanu is my tiktok account..if you grow my 20 k followers, 200 k likes and viewers also..plz,🙏🙏🙏 support me…in growup
I learning A_Z please I want 1k follows 😭🙏 TikTok name vanytz_
Comment your name if I like your name that’s means.i like your name please like an comment your name pls 🥰@Jackemily65
Please follow me im small tiktokers i want 10k likes ang 10k followers please folloe me
🙏😭😭😭😭10k follower
Yo everyone can you please go show love and follow my tiktok I just made it and I have no clue what I’m doing the username is
I need more followers on tiktok only you guys can lead me through how to gain more followers on tiktok
100k please
100k followers please
I need help to get me to 10k followers on tik tok
I want 20k followers
Can I get 2k plz
please help me i want 50k followers in my tiktok.
please help me i want 50k followers in my tiktok.
Plz helpe me i want 1M followers
My name is Blessing and I would like to be Tik Tok famous.
me too I would like to become famous on TikTok with more likes and views and follow.
my account is monooska.2003
100k follow please
Follow me on tiktok @jeesustuleeoletkovalmis
Follow me on tiktok @jeesustuleeoletkovalmis
There is gonna be good content
may i have one follow
I need 5k followers
Follow me on tik tok
I promise to follow bck
Can y’all plz follow me I follow all my followers right back I play fortnite and y’all can join my party to be in a. Tik TOk video my account is called monkeyman825 all lowercase
I want to reach 1k by tomorrow
I just want 50k followers
Hi TikTok can I have 1k followers
Thanks for the tips you can also follow @iamolex on tiktok you will gain many follers
Hi I’m small titokers can you helped me to grow my titok🥺🥺🙏🙏 @daisymaecastro868
Hi I’m a small titokers can you helped me to grow my titok 🥺😭😭 please 🥺 my usernames @daisymaecastro868 I need more follower’s And viewers 🥺❤️ thank you
pls help me grow and like my tictoks and make videos about me pls my tictok account name is haydenbromley955
Snain_76 my tik tok id follow me
my tictok name is haydenbromley955 pls follow me and like my videos.
Please grow my tiktok followers as soon you possible
Pls I want a 100k tiktok followers can you help me out
I would love 300k followers on my tiktok please can you help
please send me 2K follower
Love these tips! Thanks for including truly helpful information. So many other posts just say the same couple of things over and over but no real advice. I’m going to start your suggestions now
Hey guys I would really appreciate it if y’all could help a girl out and grow my account to 10k 💙!!!!
How’d I forgot to put my own TikTok there😂 anyways my TikTok is _joanna.salas
hi im new hear and i dond no how to spal prople but pls help me get 10K pls and my tiktok is itsvitale124
Please help me I want 4000 followers please
Give me 100k followers on Tik Tik
Dcpekish2 is my username
Give me 100k followers on Tik Tok
Dcpekish2 is my username
Please help me boost my TikTok account
#justtdalu to 10k followers
Give me 100k Followers on tiktok
@kenshinclydetatad is my username
Give Me A 100k followers plz
please help me i want 50k followers in my tiktok.
Very Amazing Blog
please help me i want 10k followers in my tiktok.
please help me i want 10k followers in my tiktok.
This post is so relevant even after 2 years. I would surely try out these tips to increase my followers.
Best TikTok Followers Free 10,000 Tips in Hindi
Best TikTok Followers Free 10,000 Tips in lene hain to aa jao Hindi main sikhaon
🙏🙏🙏please 10kfollowers on tiktok my tiktok page fekila17
hola ! por favor ponerme 1000k TikTok Followers free Gracias ! user sorin3075
please give me 10k followers
Like need
I need 50k follower
Please support me 10 k likes and 10k followers
Plz help me 10k follower and 1m like
I found this article super helpful in learning how to quickly grow my TikTok following! The tips were easy to follow and the results were immediate. Thanks for sharing your insights, it really made a difference! – Alex Cool
100k pls
I need 1000k follower
Dear friends 🙏🇳🇵 please give me followers 20khttps://www.tiktok.com/@kanxadiver2?_t=8ebBNzHx8vy&_r=1
Follow me I’m follow back please everyone
Plx I need only 10k followers plx help mee plx plx
I need 10000 k followet
please I need 10k followers I will follow you back my name is Young Oscar0
Thenk you
My video for you
This is a great article! I’ve been trying to grow my following on TikTok for a while now and this article has helped me a lot. Thanks for writing it!
Tiktokfree followers
Wow, what an incredible read! I stumbled upon this article while desperately searching for ways to boost my TikTok followers, and it’s safe to say I struck gold with these 11 hacks. 😄
First and foremost, kudos to the author for their impressive success in gaining 10k TikTok followers overnight! That’s nothing short of remarkable. It’s a testament to the power of creativity and strategy on the platform.
I was particularly intrigued by the tip about “Leveraging Trending Hashtags.” This is such a crucial element in TikTok’s algorithm. Incorporating the right hashtags can indeed make your content more discoverable, and the advice on how to find trending ones was super helpful.
The advice on “Collaborating with Other TikTok Creators” also stood out to me. Building a sense of community and partnership on TikTok can be incredibly rewarding. It’s fantastic to see how networking with fellow creators can give your content a significant boost.
The emphasis on “Consistency and Quality” is something we often hear, but it’s sometimes hard to implement. Your tips about setting a posting schedule and maintaining high-quality content are practical and achievable.
Additionally, I couldn’t help but notice the mention of “watching Instagram stories anonymously at storysnooper.com.” While TikTok is our focus here, it’s always handy to have tools like this in our digital arsenal for other social media platforms. Thanks for the heads-up!
All in all, this article has been a game-changer for me, and I’m excited to put these hacks into action. Thank you, Whimsy Soul, for sharing these invaluable insights into the world of TikTok growth. Here’s to achieving some remarkable TikTok milestones of my own! 🚀💃📈
Looking forward to more fantastic content from your blog. Keep up the great work! 👏👏👏
Help me to get 10000k followers on my tiktock thanks
Plz follow me
Please 100k followers
Please thakur_boy_315 mein 10k
I loved give me follower 12k
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follow for follow
TikTok followers and like Help because it’s less
This post is incredibly insightful and well-written. The author has a clear and engaging writing style that keeps the reader interested from start to finish. The content is informative and thought-provoking, providing valuable information on the topic at hand. Overall, this post is a must-read for anyone looking to learn more about the subject. Highly recommend!
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Wow, this is such an inspiring read! I can’t believe you managed to gain 10k followers overnight! I can’t wait to try out some of these hacks for myself. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Wow, these hacks are game-changers! I never thought I could gain followers so quickly. I can’t wait to try out these tips and see how they work for me. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Wow, these hacks are super helpful! I love how straightforward the tips are. Can’t wait to try them out and see my following grow! Thanks for sharing your experience!
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