The frustrating thing about TikTok videos? You can’t download them without a watermark!
The TikTok wawtermark is extremly instruisve to the viewer. Whether you want to keep a video for memories or repurpose it for Reels, YouTube Shorts, etc – it’s important you get your raw video without that pesky watermark.
I have 2 super easy hacks for downloading TikTok videos without the watermark – both are free and take just a couple of minutes!
How To Download TikToks Without Watermarks: Hack For Reposting To Reels, Shorts And More!
>> I’m on TikTok @whimsysoul – give me a follow I’d love to see you there!
There are a LOT of janky/questionable video downloader sites and apps out there. I’ve tried a few and some are just either not good (ie they export your video in low quality) or these TikTok downloaders are high risk for spam or hacking.
I tried a lot of TikTok apps made for downloading videos and online software before concluding these are the two best, safest ways to download a video without a watermark.
Why Is It Important To Download Without A Watermark?
Well, it’s annoying for users to see that little watermark. But more than that, we’re in the age of the Short Video Wars. TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, Google Web Stories, Pinterest Video — everyone is battling to be the best vertical video platform.
And from a content creator’s / influencer’s point of view, it’s both annoying AF because that’s so many platforms to think about posting to. But, on the other hand, they all are playing by the same rights right now so it’s super easy to make ONE video that is posted on every platform.
But of course, you can’t have watermarks. Instagram has explicitly told the public they will limit the reach of Reels with a TikTok watermark. So you can either make a video in a third-party tool (like Final Cut Pro) or you have to download clean TikToks. Here’s how to do that later in a safe way:
Snaptik App – Best For Desktop TikTok Downloading
I love using Snaptik for downloading videos when I’m on a computer. I cross-promote my videos across all the platforms I shared above and this is the best free online TikTok video downloader service I’ve found that exports videos at the highest quality.
How To Use Snaptik Safely:
It is a bit janky to use. This site has a LOT of pop-up ads so here’s how to navigate the steps without clicking anything weird. (It’s worth it for the high-quality download!)
1. Open your TikTok profile on desktop & open the video you want to save in a new browser. Copy that link.
2. Go to and look for the “copy and paste” section in the big blue box.
3. Paste your video link and click the Green Download Button.
4. Once it finished processing, look for the BLUE button that reads “Download Server 1”
5. This will bring you to an ad page. Look for the little X in the right hand corner of the ad and click that to finish the download video process
6. Your video will download safely to your desktop!
7. Last –change the name of the file! All downloaded videos from this site will be labeled Snaptik(insert a bunch of numbers).mp4. You need to change the name of the file, as it’s important for SEO.
8. Keep your videos on desktop to easily upload to YouTube shorts or Pinterest or airdrop to phone for Reels. That’s it!
How To Download TikTok Videos Without Watermark iPhone Hack
I prefer the above method when I have a desktop available so I can easily change the name of the file. But sometimes I just have to quickly download videos on the go on my mobile phone. I have an iPhone so I’m not sure if this process is the same of Android but here’s how to quickly download TikTok videos without a watermark on your phone.
1. Go to your TikTok video within the TikTok app.
2. Click the … (three little dots).
3. You will see grey icons at the bottom. Scroll to the left to find the “Live Photo” option. DON’T use the standard TikTok download option. Instead download it as a Live Photo. (Standard Video places two large icons on the video that you can’t remove)
4. Go to your Wallpaper in Photos and click “share”
5. Here in the settings you’ll have an option to Export the Video. Click that and your TikTok will be turned from a live photo format back to a video (sound is kept!)
6. There is still a TINY little TikTok watermark at the bottom of the video. Open up Edit and crop that bit out. It’s usually a minor enough of a crop that it doesn’t take away anything important from the video.
7. Boom! You know have a TikTok video on your phone without the watermark, ready for uploading anywhere you want!
I hope this helps you figure out how to get clean videos without any watermark ready for sharing on your other platforms! If you have any questions, drop a comment below and I’ll be happy to try and help.
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I often have to use the creation and processing of video in my work. And recently I got acquainted with such interesting information as video merging . She helps me a lot in my work.
Best tiktok watermark removal app, Search for the author “NadChan” on Google play.
You can sell other online assets like presets, or even physical products like shirts or candles or stickers.
It’s pretty common to download TikTok videos. Snaptik is good, but I prefer ssstiktok. It’s fast and always seem to work. Thanks anyway.